Heckler Fabrication, incredible quality

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Hi folks, I'm not sure how many of you are also prospectors of the sluice box variety but I'd like to recommend a manufacturer that I have been dealing with. Heckler Fabrication is a manufacturer in the Sacramento area who I hired to build me a 10" x 10' MONSTER high banker / power sluice based on the Randy Clarkson riffle study... there are heaps of posts about the unit he built for me on my forum (Rob knows I'm not trying to lure folks away by discussing it here) but I wanted to share a link to a post demonstrating the quality of workmanship that Greg at Heckler is doing... it would make any American proud...

Check out my latest rant at: http://www.prelovedplacer.com/forums/index.php?topic=923.0

Pictures as the build progressed can be seen at: http://www.prelovedplacer.com/forums/index.php?board=108.0

His web site is: http://www.hecklerfabrication.com and he REALLY does incredible work...

If you call him, tell him Jennifer sent you... he'll only charge you a bit extra :lol:




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