Recovering flour Gold

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A friend asked me how to recover flour Au. He says he has some ore which he crushed up. He said that he tried to pan it but it floats, I told him to use a little dish soap or Jet dry to break the surface tension. H e told me that didn't work either. I haven't seen what he is dealing with so I really don't know if it's gold or what. Any suggestion would be appreciated.

Stay safe & watch your back - Frosty

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Thanks all for the replies - as I stated I haven't seen what he is dealing with so I really don't know. I mentioned the Jut Dry approach, he stated he did that with no luck. It was at that point I wondered if he did really have gold. He told me it was assayed and it's gold. At this point I really don't know. Guess I'll have to see for my self. Thanks Guys.

Stay safe & watch yer back!

Molon Labe

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I am surprised that no one gave you a real answer. Actually your answer is in your


Ultra fine gold will float with the right conditions. Actually that is how you extract it.

Just the oil from your fingers will float those fines. The froth floatation method was

invented just for this purpose. Combine oil as in pine oil,add air and stir ,the fine gold

rises to the top and combines with the bubbles in the froth. Scrape the froth from the

top and it contains the fine gold. Oil is attracted to gold ,oil is lighter than water,and

will carry the fines to the top. The trick is to grind the ore fine enough for the oil to

suspend it. Some detergents will float fines with the oil in the detergent combined

with the bubbles. This process is used every day all over the planet to extract fine

gold and sulfide gold. When someone says gold won't float, they just don't know a

lot about gold.

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