Detecting and panning in Thailand

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Hey all. Been away from this forum a long time, almost forgot it was here (almost). Quick question for those in the know.

I am going to be making a temporary (2 year) move to Thailand mid 2014, staying on Koh Yao Noi island for the duration. I will have enough free time available to me however to explore most of southern Thailand while I am there. My question(s) have to do with panning and/or detecting there.

I know you have to have a Atchayabat to prospect in any form there, but cannot find the requirements to apply for one. Do I need to be a citizen? If so, can I partner with a citizen to apply for one and prospect under their license?

Also, has anyone had experience in Thailand in these regards who would be willing to share some insights? This will be just on a part time, casual basis for me, something to fill the tedium.

Any help or answers would be greatly appreciated. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

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I talked with someone on the forum who was posting last year from Thailand..

I may take a trip over ,, been there, but it was back in paleo days,, and i was looking for different gold back then...

I will check my messenger box

Nohave----- is his forum handle

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Looks like Taiwan has some good stuff.

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