More on the Garrett ATX Metal Detector

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I dont think so....kyle here is the video..... he obviously likes the detector --according to all his other videos,,----he is just showing it is better not to GB on wet sand,,,,

I take that to mean we would have to do the same on hot soil..maybe not...i dunno...... cause i dont have one...

i'm just saying watch it.... even bearkat says you have to GB up in the air to run it on mineraized soil (with less GB ) or you lose depth ...

Watch the video.....

Yes, I can see Rob, sitting on the porch with his legs kicked up,,,sipping eggnog, petting the dog, thinking what a nice time of year to have so much time off to reflect on the past year....Ahhhhh... what a life.......

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Hello all. Just got my ATX, seems pretty cool so far. I tried it out in my back yard with poor results, probably because there is a cell phone tower 100 yards away. I could not get the noise to settle down, continuous fluctuations even with the detector perfectly still. Got to get use to PI technology I guess. Went to a nearby field and had good results. Not as sensitive to small gold as my GB 2, but for sure deeper on larger gold. Really looking forward to trying it out in the field next week.

QUESTION: How is the sling attached? I can find nothing in the owners manual showing how to attach it. The video on the Garrett website shows a guy using the sling but he has a harbinger attached to the sling that is attached to the detector rod, parts not included in my sling. Tried numerous ways, none of them see quite right, is their a proper way to attach it? I am heading to Gold Basin on Monday and the sling may come in handy so any tips appreciated....thanks....jim

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Ooops, disregard that last question, more or less got it figured out. Found the sling instructions separate from the owners manual. Kinda strange because the pic in the instructions shows the harbinger attached to the detector pole. I put my left arm through the sling, wrapped the rest of it over my right shoulder and placed the loop at the end over the control display unit and it feels pretty good. Not sure if that is how it is supposed to go, but it works for me....jim

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You'll find that with any heavy detector (ML included) having some sort of support to take the weight off your arm makes a big difference when you are swinging a detector all day long.

I am looking forward to hearing the experiences of guys out using the ATX, so be sure and let us know about what you think after you get back from your trip to Gold Basin.

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