Fat nug = Glock 27

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Lucky and I went out to dig some gold to celebrate my finals being over, and only one semester to go before I get to start doctoring and getting paid for it. On our hump out to the gold fields I told Rick I need enough in the next two weeks to buy me a Glock 27 to carry for bears this summer and CCW around town. Well we got to hunting and it was a pretty slow start with the normal square nails, 22 bullets, tin, and other rubbish. I was detecting a good likely spots and got a sweet, classic little signal and dug it up and got a nice 1 gram nugget, and next to it got another target. I dug up the target next to the last and was suprised with a nice 4.9 gram nugget. At this point I yelled at Lucky to come over cause there was a banger target not one foot away so made a video of the last target after making sure it wasn't surface trash. I was well off with my guess in the field on the weight of the nugget, but it was enough to get my Glock 27 I wanted! Here is a video, and sorry about the language, but we were excited!


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It was a good hike into this goldfield, up hill both ways to this new patch! Make sure you swing slow, low and dig them...let the scoop sort the trash from the nuggets. Yep, your always just one nugget away from a goal you set for yourself. Jeff, great shooting and another fat one under your belt. Like Jeff said, sorry for the colorful verbiage! Enough for a new Glock, holster, 350 rounds, dinner out, good tasting beer and some extra change in your school boy wallet!


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Sweet fat guy! Nice nugget.

Congrats on the finds.

Tom H

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Nice find,,~~~!!!!!!

I heard about your find........ AND the language--- before i saw this post,,,lolol

Good job,,,,and it about time you got to work!!!

Look fwd to meeting you in the future..


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I'll take 50/50 over 0 any day! Pretty good shot, expert marksman in military, 1000 meter compitition shooting, plenty of tactical training, and hunting for 25+ years. I'm gonna give me a 90% chance...99% of the time a pop shot in the air does the trick. I use to carry my big dirty hairy .357, but I wanted something smaller that doesn't weigh 5lbs

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Congrats on the nug & the Glock. I bought the Glock 17L when they first came out and used it as my carry for years in Ca & NV. Shot 1000's of rounds with no problem. No bears to worry about here, just big cats. But if I were in bear country, I might opt for bear spray first as not to piss a big bruin off. I have read stories that they work good but have no personal experience with-em. and I realize. . . who wants to carry another item when we try and pack lite as it is..

Best of continued success and Happy New Year to all

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He will have to dig up another ripper to afford the ammo...college kids,, you know.............lololol

with another of those he can affford 1000rds....


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Most up in AK are starting to carry the Glocks in 10mm--like the 29SF or larger.....32.65 oz loaded....!!!!!

The 27 comes in around 27 ozs-----6oz difference----whew---both heavy....

Really.. they told me in AK all you really need for bear protection is a .22 cal-----so you could shoot your partner in the leg as you were running away from the bear.. :P

Watch out Lucky!!!!!


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