A nice day out...

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I really would like to say that I have not been out because it has been raining and snowing however it was almost eighty degrees today with bright sunny skies. Expected to be dry for awhile. I have started to buy up bottled water and stack it to the ceilings. We are not done yet but I like to be prepared. Being raised in this part of the country I have seen winter come late many times so I am not too worried. We have had a few years where you get all the rain and snow in about five weeks and then it is over and you are wishing you never heard the word, " winter".

I got out today with some friends for a hunt. We went to an old spot that has been hunted out, or so I have been told. I went through the normal rounds of showing the areas where I had found gold in the past and then we all split up and started detecting.

Two friends, Mark and Chris went down into a draw to try their luck. I stayed up on the flat top with two new friends, David and Wyatt, who I had taken out yesterday for a day of prospecting classes. David was using a 5000 and Wyatt, his son, was doing the digging. I had my 3000/Sadie Mono and walked out to the end of the ridge through the young but dense manzanita bushes. I had been hunting for just a few minutes when I got a nice mellow signal right in the thick brush. I had to stay standing while I dug the target out because of the brush.The signal turned out to be a nice little starter nugget about 4.4 grains. I began to detect back towards David and in just a few feet I got another real weak but soft signal, it turned out to be a 4.1 grainer. I detected for another hour and picked up several .22 rounds and an old fifty cal ball at about twenty inches, but no more gold.

I met up with David and Wyatt to find out that he had found his very first piece of gold. He was a happy camper. Being it was his first nugget I immediately took his cap off and slapped him on the head with it. After a short break we went back to hunting and in a few minutes David had his second nugget. About that time my son in-law, George, was wandering up the hill towards me. He had not found anything yet. George was using my GB Pro/five inch coil. I sent him a few yards away from my position and told him to stay close to the brush with his sweeps. In a few minutes he had his very first piece of detected gold, it was about a 15 grainer. A half an hour later I got a screamer that was an 11.6 grain piece of gold that was stuck in a dirt clod when I dropped the target on the coil. It looked like a piece of rusted tin at first. I was close to the other guys so walked over to show it off. About that time my son in-law found another little nugget that was about twelve grains just a few feet from our location. A few more sips of tea and I was off again into the manzanita where I found two more pieces in just a few minutes. One was a 7.6 grainer and the other was another 4.4 grainer.

As I was detecting I heard my close friend George talking to the other George behind me. He had his GB Pro and hunted with us for about an hour but was unable to get a piece. George was getting ready to leave when I got call and I hollered to the son in-law that we had to head out. The three of us headed towards David and his son to let them know we were leaving. They had found two more small nuggets for a total of four, not bad for the day. He had gotten his first nugget ever and three more to really give him and his son the fever. Mark and Chris were still off somewhere down a draw and I did not hear from them till they got home. Chris had found two small pieces and Mark drew the skunk card.

All in all it was good day and I was very happy to see George and David both get their first nuggets ever with a detector. Thanks all, TRINITYAU/RAYMILLS

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Dern Ray!
A great day out with friends and handfulls of gold :)
I really dont envy you hunting in all that brush....blaahhk

Ill keep my cactus, catsclaw and stickers.... at least there is a lot of open ground.

Way to go on the days finds, nice ones for sure.

Good luck to ya!
Tom H.

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That looks like you guys had a great day out. Nice finds there. Im outa action for a few weeks, niggled an old pec muscle injury so ill just drool over what you guys find for a while. Well done.


Well at least you only niggled it and didnt hurt it :)

Hope ya heal up fast, kind of hot over there to be out hunting anyway. Least it didnt happen in

your winter!

Tom H.

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Love your posts. Nice going on the gold. Those little ones add up fast. Ya we could see it start raining in a month and not stop for a month. Only problem with that is it creats flooding. If we don't start getting something by the end of February and into March then I'd say we will be in trouble. Its a good time to hit the creeks and rivers and do some snipping with a detector.

Take care, Wes.

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Nice day nugget shooting, Ray ... Thanks for sharing!

I was patch hunting today in an area that also has meteorites ... Got a huge signal and dug down about a foot in rich red ground on top of some awesome greenstone schist ... Ironstone, pyrite, quartz, greenstone ... How could a deep target not be awesome? ... I was sure it was either a meteorite or a nugget... Bummer, it was an old boot tack worked way down into the schist bedrock! ...
But it was exciting during the dig ... Cheers, Unc

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