Dinks for the day

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Hey all:
Welp Dad and I went out today to a area that weve been going to and I wanted to patch hunt the hill inbetween two washes that we got gold out of.

Also wanted to try out my new cart! :) I made it out of a golf bag carrier.

Thing worked pretty good. Was able to get the 5000, GB2, Backpack and big coil with lunch, Camelbak, shovel and pick on it. Dad wanted to get on it too, but I figured it might overload the frame happy0045%5B1%5D.gif Drug it a little over half mile in. If you balence everything just right its very easy to pull along.

So, we get to the spot and I wanted to detect some washes before patch hunting. Got the bigger dink out of one of the washes.

Went back to the equipment and started patch hunting. Swinging all over, walking all over! Finally get a signal on the side of the hill and it turns out to be the little dink. Im thinking...yes! a patch!!!
Well, it was a patch....a one dink patch :)
Hunted all over the area but that was the only one.

Pretty amazing when you think about it though, all that country and I got the coil over the little guy.

It was a great day out, weather was awsome and the good Lord blessed us with some more yellow stuff! Beat the skunk :)
Tom H.

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Ha ha, good detector carrier. Good on you getting some yellow too. That carrier reminds me of something I was saw in outback Qld years ago. I was travelling to a goldfield and was about 70ks away from any town, and by town I mean real small ones, in either direction. It was a longish haul to where I was going, about 500ks and I was about half way at the time. I come over a hill and almost had to rub my eyes in case I was seeing things. There was this guy wearing roller blades, now remember this is nowhere near a town and an outback type highway, so he,s wearing roller blades and towing along behind him a golf buggy like the one you have there with his camping gear in it! I just blinked like a cartoon character :blink: as I went past him in disbelief. So if anyone reckons your crazy for having that you can tell them there is, in Australia, someone crazier. :wacko:

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LOL...........yah...you guys are just a smidge closer to crazy then we are :)

Tom H.

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Tom good to hear you found some gold, can't argue with that. I think your onto something with that cart, just dump the plastic wheels. :D:P​ ;) some how I think your thinking about the walker dry wash frame we talked about the other day? :D we think a lot alike. AzNuggetBob

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Seriously Tom if you were to widen the stance of the wheels a little and put some taller wheels on it and figure out how to strap it to the back of your motorcycle may be an improvement worth trying? but I wouldnt test it with your 5000 in it. :huh: AzNuggetBob

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