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I have a specimen of Gold in quartz. Can anyone tell me how much gold in in the specimen? Wt. in Grams 36.0 . Suspended in water 11.3 grams. I don"t want to crush it, but I would like to know how much gold is in it. On the Nugget hunting forum, I can't upload my pictures. A message that the file is to big to upload comes up. Can anyone help?

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36.0 X 1.16 = 41.76

11.3 X 3.07 = 34.69

Difference between the two =7.07 Grams of gold.

This is the water displacement formula that I have used for years with pretty accurate results.

Just make sure that when you suspend the specimen in the water (I use dental floss) it is not touching the bottom or side of the container.

This method is not 100%, none of them are. But it will get you real close.

Right click on the photo in your gallery and then hit edit. Then resize it by 50% and then you should be able to upload it if you want.


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The General explains it all here... :)
Hes got some other good videos you will get a kick out of when he finds gold.

Tom H.

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Thanks Gus. More gold than I thought. I will try to resize my photos. Also thanks to Tom,but the General left me in the fog. I liked the video, but hard for me to follow.

No Sweat...he does have some good videos of him finding gold. Hes a riot when hes finding it.

Sure would like to see a pic....

If you need to you can send it to me and I will post it.

I can resize it also.


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Heres the pix!
Dang nice gold drooling :)
Glad you were able to get out there and get it.
Tom H.

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