1 Gram piece today....three hour hunt.

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Well I went out today for about three hours to a site I have been working for about two years on and off. Its becoming worked out like my other few spots. Thought I would try my 20" inch NF coil on and work the area as I have cleared pretty much most of the trash...and maybe perhaps I would get a deep wooo-eee :). Well after about an hour Nada .... :angry2: Thats when I switched to a 11 inch Mono and give it a go. Went over to a area about...opposite of my patch and gave the 11 inch a go for about an hour. I got signal , sounded pretty good, but ended up being a piece of square nail..than another about a foot away. Right after that last nail I got a much smoother, mellow sound...dug down expecting another piece of trash..when this little guy popped out...1 gram even ! Its a good day regardless of size :P


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Thanks guys, yeah I think so. I got this thing in my head perhaps it's a challenge or contest to find a nugget every week. I don't even care if its 6 grain. Ever since I have done it, keeping that goal in my mind, my finds increased. The power of positive thought and hard work ;) .

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Thanks Ron, yeah...ran into the skunk yesterday. The day started out with a plan to do a 45 minute hike to a site and give it a go. Well about half way there and hiking on a pretty steep slope, I got a glimpse of a large rusty CANCO bucket :glare: so i investigated and saw a tailing pile in the poison oak and bushes. not far from that was a mine. Found a nice pile of quartz but it was so full of poison oak I bailed from the spot. Maybe one day when i get bored I will go back to it and investigate it better. Today gona go easy and flat land it...hope the skunk don't visit...

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