Memorial Weekend With Some Fine Port Wine

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NuggetSlayer (Jeff) has and annual family outing at Little Grass Valley Lake just outside of La Porte, Ca every Memorial Weekend. This year Okie Tom's family and Robin and I joined joined Jeff's family on the camping trip to the much cooler mountains. Of course smack dab in the middle of gold country kept us busy at our hobby. If you don't know about the La Porte area it's full of old Hydro Pits we chose Port Wine Hydro Pit. Sure this pit has had every known detector swung on it a million times. Yet Jeff, has added nuggets to his poke every trip with is Minelab. This trip I was armed with my GoldBug 2, wondering around the pit I was picking one up here and one there. 40 minutes into the hunt I hit the dink patch full of micro nugs! It was also, time to get back to the families for a late lunch and swim in some still freezing water! NuggetSlayer and Okie Tom got the skunk off their backs with the GoldBug2 and we headed back to camp. The next morning Robin, wanted to hit the Micro Nugget patch and she cleaned it out with the FunBug2 (new name). We both enjoy nugget hunting no matter the size! Until the next hunt



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