Dirtbike, dink and fun

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Welp, did a half day hunt today.

Decided to take the dirt bike out and hit a wash.

Loaded up the 5000 and the GB2 in the backpack and took off.

Got about as far as I could go and walked 1/4 mile to my spot.

The wash just got too bouldery. <------new word

Did some placering first off while I had the energy...nutten

Took the ML out for a walk after that, didn't get any targets for about 2 hrs.

Finally a old rusty bullet.

Ran out of wash so I hopped over to another one. About 3/4 the way down im thinking this is going to be a skunk day.

But, then comes the nice mellow signal....yes! Got it in the scoop and finally saw a little yellow :)
Yeeehah!...finally some gold.

Kind of small but I will take it. Doesn't even read on the gram scale.

Good half day out, Good Lord kept all my bones in one piece and got some gold.

Tom H.






Edited by oldies1955
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Yup...that's what its about. Had a lot of fun today just getting that little guy :) Just to hear that sweet mellow tone :)

Adam: Really great day. Got my cycle legs back under me and found some yellow :) along with some old bullets and a levi rivet

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