Great out with CowKiller

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Hey all:
Welp, got together with Cowkiller to head up to Wades sunbaker patch today.

Got to the first wash and I started placering and GB2ing. After a couple of hours of digging....nutten.

Bout this time killer gets back from a wash that he was hitting and found a nice nug just under half a gram :)
I went over to another wash with the GB2 and minelab. Got a really small nug on the bedrock and dug that area out. Found two more GB2ers in a small stretch.

No Minelab gold though. Think I got it all last time.

Got about a hour left to detect and killer hits some more washes. Im thinking im going to do some hillside hunting and the banks of the first wash. Well, lo and behold up about 4 feet out of the wash in the dirt I get a Minelab signal. Yup, out came a .4 gram nug.
Mines on the right, killers is on the left.

Great day out and the good Lord blessed us both with some gold :)
Tom H.


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