Sage Grouse Proposed Mineral Withdrawal added to Mining Claims Maps

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I've added the Sage Grouse proposed Mineral Withdrawal display to the Mining Claims Maps for the five affected states. It's a separate layer you will have to turn on to see.

This map has been heavily requested. Check it out while you can since the BLM is known for disappearing maps without notice.

This map was not easy to find. It's not going to be easy to use either because the BLM is serving it up in a light dirt color that blends with just about every base map layer. Now is a good time to learn to use the transparency tool found by right clicking the layer you want to change the transparency on.

The affected States Mining Claim Maps are linked here:






Here's the description of the Map information from the BLM. As you can see the map isn't accurate because the boundaries of the final withdrawal won't be decided until after it's passed. :BangHead:

The areas recommended for locatable mineral withdrawal dataset were compiled from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) National Greater Sage-Grouse (GRSG) Conservation Strategy, which includes Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) for the revision or amendment of 98 Forest Service and BLM land use plans. Data reflect the areas of Sagebrush Focal Areas, a subset of GRSG Priority Habitat Management Areas, which are recommended for withdrawal from the Mining Law of 1872 in the Records of Decisions for the Approved Resource Management Plans and Amendments.

DISCLAIMER: No warranty is made by the BLM or FS for the use of this data. The GIS data included on this page is intended for broad planning purposes only and should not be solely relied upon for any decision making. Accuracy of the GIS is limited to the accuracy of the data available to create these layers at the time of this project. The information contained on the map is used to generally locate and identify the lands that are proposed for withdrawal in the sage brush focal areas and is for reference purposes only. They should not be construed or used as legal descriptions. Detailed maps and legal descriptions will be developed at a later date.

We are trying to figure out a way to get a list of the affected claims from this information. If we succeed we will make a list and share it on the Land Matters website.

Please pass these maps around. It's your Land and it Matters.


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