Makro Gold Racer

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I tried to send Steve a private message, but couldn't, so I will make it public. Steve, I hope that you don't mind , but I recommend your opinion on the gold racer. My Grandsons asked about your article on the gold racer. I said that I have never heard you recommend any product that you did not believe in. I would like to thank you for all your hard work. I am buying a Gold Racer myself. I may not find more nuggets, but I am sure that I will enjoy beeping more. Lots of hot rocks in Az.. Thanks again, Doug

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Hi Doug,

Well, I do not recall recommending the Gold Racer anywhere per se though I did write up an extensive review of it and am using it myself. It is a very hot VLF and that cuts two ways. Great on tiny gold but in hot ground and hot rocks that can be another thing. Some places a PI is just a better choice. If I ever recommend anything at all it is that a person have both a good PI and a good VLF to round out a prospecting kit. Best wishes to you however and hope it scores you some nice gold!

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If I seem cautious it is because even though I am one of the guys reporting on the Makro Gold Racer I just don't put a lot of store personally in reports from one or two people. For a machine to really prove itself it has to get out in the hands of a lot of people under widely varying conditions over time for that final thumbs up to happen. So while I am convinced that this is a very good detector for me personally it is just too soon to say how it will play out overall. Compared to the GMT and Gold Bug 2 this is a machine with a multitude of features that have never been attempted in a high frequency detector and for that reason alone I find the machine intriguing.

The machine is best used in its very stable and easy operating all metal mode. You and your grandsons should have no problem mastering this mode as it is a very well behaved machine in all metal, all while having the benefit of on screen target id. Most ferrous locks on hard at 20 or 21, and I mean locks on hard. Unreliable target id numbers should always be dug until you get more familiar with the machine. A real beauty of having target id is that unlike the GMT or Gold Bug 2 certain pesky items like 22 shell casings or many hot rocks can be identified and ignored if so desired.

Where the machine can be more challenging to operate is the discrimination modes due to its extremely hot high gain, high frequency design. In some areas it runs clean and smooth, but in most locations the disc modes can be rather chatty with transient blips, not unlike a Gold Bug 2 in iron disc mode cranked to the max in a trashy location. The trick is to learn the clipped sounds should be ignored while the fuller good signals should be investigated.

This really is a great detector in my opinion but it is a very high performance machine pushing to the limits, and so not exactly a beginners machine in that regard. All metal mode is easy to master, but the disc modes are more challenging than what one will encounter on lower frequency detectors. It is worth the effort however as this machine will do things that simply can't be done with a GMT or Gold Bug 2. I am using it now around town as a jewelry machine and it is a tot lot killer if there ever was one!

Thanks for the thanks Doug and best wishes to you and your grandsons for a safe and prosperous new year!

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