They Closed The Forest!

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I was planning on heading up to Jicarilla, NM in the N part of the Lincoln Nat'l Forest this weekend, but found out today that the Lincoln Forest is closed closed CLOSED due to extreme fire danger. Drat!

With a little luck, I'll head up to Socorro, NM and the Cibolla Forest the following weekend and it won't be closed. Update: I just found out the Forest Service is closing the Cibolla Forest down this week. DRAT!

Fortunately, I just got in a bag of concentrates from Crisson Mines in GA that I'll be working up the next few days. Anyone know of any better buys on concentrates (and please don't make fun of me for buying the stuff, ok? I'm trying to learn panning and sluicing as best I can)?? I've tried Felix and the stuff from Brian at as well as some from a lady in AZ, but am always on the lookout for the "BEST" cons. Also, if anyone's got any worked out dirt that had some gold in it, I'd be happy to reimburse ya'll the cost of shipping it to me. I was going through some of my worked out stuff yesterday and found a few flecks/flakes and even a little picker. Maybe, like coin shooting, dirt isn't ever really, totally, 100% completely worked out?? I'm still new at this and am willing to try working someone else's dirt. :)

HH, ya'll and pray for some rain for us down here in S. NM.


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