Hey Reno Chris

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Dumb is what I got called for helping people train dogs to find the lost kids or dead loved ones. I took a $ 1000.00 or so out of my pocket and put on free seminar's for years. Then I tought around the country and charged expences the last several years. People thought I was dumb for hleping others. I am glad I am not the only one that will do these things for people. I have an excuse though. I only have half of a 9th. grade education. I see by your websight that you are a very inteligent person. So what is your excuse?

That is the most impressive web sight I have ever seen. I will study every thing on it. It will take me a while. I have been wanting to buy me another welder and now I will. I will hit the gold area's with atleast 2 tools now. Thank you for all the info. and for being the free hearted person that you must be. I know it had to take a lot of research to put all that together and lot's more to put it all on the web for people like me to use. If I can ever help you in any way. Let me know.


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Thanks much, you are very kind - I dont think I really deserve such nice compliments.

I am trying to put together a good website, a good reference for prospectors. I have a regular full time job, so buiding it is a part time effort - I've been working on it off and on for over a year.

I also write part time for a prospecting magazine and get paid for my articles there. Its not much but I do get something for my efforts.

I'll admit that my motivation is not 100% altruistic - I do intend to publish a book on prospecting, and the website is there to 1. give a taste of what will be in the book, and 2. Cover some special topics that wont be covered in the book. Eventually the website will have ads to sell the book (once its been published).

Anway, I am glad you like the website - there will be more added over the winter months.

I'm going to install a set of mineral and rock ID pages, some more pages on gold bearing districts and areas for prospecting and some additional "miners reference pages" stuff, plus a lot more....

Stick with you prospecting and you will be successful in time.

Thanks again,


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