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Well my son lives on the east coast and he is telling me at the Shell station they are selling E-85.

This gas is 85% Ethanol and 15% fossil fuel sells for 1.68 a gal. It is 105 octane.

In his car he gets 60 miles to the gal. with E-85. With Regular fuel he is only getting 30.

You can only run it in newer cars.I'm not sure how new but he said my wife's 98 Honda will not burn it.

Has anybody seen this on the west coast yet?

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Here is a site where you can find E85 stations and price accross the country....

There is a menu down the right side of the page where you can check state by state.

Here a page that lists some vehicles that are set up for E85....

In the top left side menu "Converting to E85 Fuel" is a interesting read.

Here is the Google Search Results for E85

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The way I look at it, anything that keeps my money from going to a diaper head is a good thing BUT we need to eat too. Higher grain prices mean higher food costs.

I hear there is a grass that produces more alcohol at a lower cost than corn and refineries are being built to process it.

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On the same subject but different angle friend of mine in San Diego just joined a group that collects vegetable/ peanut oil, you can run that in a diesel engine with and engine conversion kit. The deal is if you are able to donate a certain amount of the vegetable or peanut oil you get free fill ups from the company his thing is he knows many restaurant owners and will get plenty of the used oil hence free fill ups in his vehicle but it is a little expensive to do the conversion.

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Vini I have a friend that makes biodiesel for 71 cents a gallon and has been running it for a year with no effects. He paid about three grand for the set up and shares the costs with another diesel owner. Jerry

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I own a European repair shop and Im seeing Bio. grow. It is cheaper and works fine but it does gum things up a bit. It smells as if your standing on the roof of a Dennys. If you have an old Mercedes 240D or 300D sitting around put it up for sale and someone will buy it to run Biofuel. The guys that run it are crazy about it and its cool to see something different in the days of regulations and high fuel prices.


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A friend of mine has a VW diesel, rabbit pickup that he runs on used hydraulic oil that he gets free from work. He adds a little diesel to the oil each time he fills it up, maybe a gallon or two. I'm not sure if thats to thin it, or help it start better. Pretty cool setup though.

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No, no, no, AND it makes food more expensive...

If E gas is 15% less at the pump but your using 25% more your losing 10% more money using this gas and it is making the already high food prices go even higher...

Save the environment, they must be smoking crack!!!???

More like make more money off of food and fuel...

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