Long time Lurker

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Hi all. I confess I've been a long time lurker on this forum and probably should've spoke up earlier. It's a great group here. Nonetheless... Im usually not the forum type, but I cant resist. :rolleyes: Ive been prospecting for about 30 years (mostly Dredging) , since I was 10 with my Dad (Feathter, Stan, Yuba and Tuolumne mainly.), . Been detecting for about 11 years. I hope I can share some of my experiences, only fair Ive read soo many on these boards. Better late than never eh ?

Heading down to La Grange in the morning to a private property spot . Will provide update of trip, if any.

Keep up the great work . Cheers, John

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John,Yep I used to like dredging until my slave labor grew up and moved away. If my kids got in any trouble at school they had to go with me and haul buckets or equipment into the canyon of my choosing, it only took a couple times and they learned to toe the mark.

Detecting is the only way to go these days! Can't wait to hear some of your experiences!!


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