Hwy 49 tomorrow

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Hi gang,

I am taking a trip up Hwy 49 tomorrow. I will be going from Sonora to Auburn then to D-ville, Goodyears bar and ending near Blairsden. Since I am on my motorcycle, I will only have room for my GBII, a pan and some hand tools. Can anyone suggest some spots along that route to detect?

I plan to drive Wed. prospect all day Thurs and do some area sampling on my way home Fri. Anyone in the Graeagle area Thurs is welcome to join me.



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Almost all the creeks are bone dry.Lot's of likely spots if your up to asking owners permission.If you look closely you'll see lot's of turned over ground.County side roads with quartz veins showing on the banks and road cuts could payoff,out side the fence line of course........Dave

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