Can't Bust'em Button

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Never know what you'll dig out of the ground and gold wasn't one of them on this day's hunt! I cleaned up this old Levi button looking thing and it was embossed with "Can't Bust'em". A couple of Google's and I found some pretty good history of this Logo. Seems a Mr Herman Heynemann made "Can't Bust'em denim jeans that pre-date Levi Struass. He started in 1851 and Struass a few years later. Seems Lee Denim Jeans bought the "Can't Bust'em" brand and seem to still or of late produced it. A great piece of history...any offers!


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Lucky there was also a jeans company that was called Frisco's in the 50'-60's and had the same type of button whose motto was "Can't Bust em." If the button does not have Levi on it, then this button may be a lot newer. For those of us that remember that era the jeans were loose fitting and black. Jerry

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