What is closest to Las Vegas?

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I have been trying to find a decent place to nugget shoot near Las Vegas but the closest I could find was over 80 miles outside of town. Inside Vegas there are a lot of parks and the Parks and Recreation people don't seem to have any problems with metal detecting in most of them. But I'd like to get out of town and without a car I need to find something bike-able from the outskirts of town. Or at least bike-able from a bus or tourist point.

Jean NV and Goodsprings are both doable but I can't find any info about them on anything except load gold. No mention from either place one way or another about placer stuff. Oh granted with the mines so wide spread there are likely to be a lot of interesting things left behind but like most of us the color of Gold is always a part of the lure.

The 2 clubs I've found here in Vegas seem promising but they have most of their activities on the weekend and I'm not free weekends myself.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


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nothing really decent for nugget shooting near las vegas.

at 100+ miles, check out drainages from AZ mountains towards lake mohave/colorado river, say from Oatman, north to Boulder Inn.

Gold Basin

Mohave mountains

Washes from oatman, towards golden shores.

North of barstow to Williams Well

Like everyone else asking the same question, no one's going to give you a precise spot. You have to do your research, follow up on leads, and figure out what spot has your name on it. Gold in any of the areas mentioned have produced anything from flour and match heads, to 1/2 ounce nuggets, but it takes a lot of footwork, as well as proper tuning of the rig. Likewise, if you find a really good spot, PM a few of us so that we can get in on the rewards....

fat chance, Right?

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