In the Skies Above Rich Hill

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The next time you are prospecting in the Date Creek, Weaver or Bradshaw Mountains and you hear or see F-16's from Luke AFB (or your Minelab goes nutz!), you'll think of this video done by a pilot there!

God Bless America! - Terry
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On rare occasions, we have F-16's do touch n go's at our airport. You can tell when they're around because they are a gazillion times louder than commercial jets. Watching them turn on the afterburner and disappear over the horizon is something to see. On one of those occasions, the guy behind the stick must have been feeling fiesty because right after clearing the runway, he hit the afterburner and went vertical. I mean straight up and through the clouds in a few seconds! Sea level to 20,000 feet in a couple of seconds! IMPRESSIVE! I can not imagine the g's he must have been pulling!

And to think that the Wright Brother's first flight was just a bit over a hundred years ago...

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Hey Terry...AWESOME ytube you posted there...I retired from the USAF 62nd Fighter Squadron Luke AFB AZ...My jet 84-0297 is on frame 37 seconds...I was the dedicated crew chief on it! Nice to see an old friend...The reason the minelab detector is going nuts is the main radar and radar altimeter emanations were active. If there was a jammer pod on it it should have been off! IFF 3C is active as well. The jet can pull 9 G,s the flight control computer is supposed to limit that, there are times the pilot can over G the jet and we have to do a -6 inspection and look for buckled panels, pylons, etc. Guido

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How cool is that Guido?! Thanks for the inside info, and check out this other video - scroll to the bottom of the page: - Terry

Hey Terry...AWESOME ytube you posted there...I retired from the USAF 62nd Fighter Squadron Luke AFB AZ...My jet 84-0297 is on frame 37 seconds...I was the dedicated crew chief on it! Nice to see an old friend...The reason the minelab detector is going nuts is the main radar and radar altimeter emanations were active. If there was a jammer pod on it it should have been off! The jet can pull 9 G,s the flight control computer is supposed to limit that, there are times pilot can over G the jet and we have to do a -6 inspection and look for buckled panels, pylons, etc. Guido

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Great post Terry. We seldom have any fighter's over this way, but we do see quite a bit of high altitude re-fueling.

And believe it or not, we do have people write to "the editor" and complain about the noise and pollution they are subjecting us to.....

I think we have more than our allotment of "village idiots"......maybe it's the heat?

All I have to say to them is just be thrilled that they are "OUR'S"........

Patrick in Havasu.....

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Here's the best response I read in the comments trail...

I can't stand the ignorance of some people. A fly-by is the greatest salute a pilot can give a fallen friend.

I was born down the road from luke and my earliest memories are of laying in the grass looking up at the jets taking off and landing. The roar of their engines is not a nuisance but the sound of freedom!

Being the son of a Lt. Col USAF, ret. I can truly understand, and would live near the base if I could stand the West side of town (LOL).

I love watching the jets fly over the East Valley, and my daughter gets all excited about them, too.

I agree... Military aircraft engine sounds (not NOISE) are truly the sounds of freedom. The same holds true for tanks and all other military vehicles - on, above or under land and sea!

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Terry. Since I live only a short distance from the Date Creeks, I hear them often. I'm a quiet freak and normally resent any noise, but I don't mind that noise at all . With that kind of firepower and highly trained pilots we can be pretty sure that nobody will attempt attacking US soil. -----Bob

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