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For those that have Pieter Heydelaar's latest edition of "Successful

NUGGET HUNTING" and any edition of Jim Straights "THE NUGGETSHOOTERS BIBLE'

check out the bottom photo p. 68 in Pieter's book with p. 57 in Jim's book.

This is just on example of being first to find a patch... Now jump to p. 149

in Jim's book for the "rest of the story." Caretakers: Pieter was at Dome Rock. Me too... Now read about Walt Bickel (not Bickle) and about another

"world-class hunter."

For those of you who are planning on going to Australia or where to find gold nuggets in Arizona and Southern California, Pieters latest edition is well worth buying... Pieter and I have been friends since 1978... Back with Bob Soehner (ref p. 5 in Pieters book).

PS: the bottom photo in Jim's book on p. 150: George Ruby was at the jumping jack claim in the Manhattan Nevada mining district.

"Tailgate" Jim Straight

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Hi Jim

Thanks for the heads up on Pieter's new book

and the references.

I of course have your latest edition, wondering

if Rob has Pieter's? You have a good one Jim.



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Herb... thanks...

Pieter has two editions of "Successful Nugget Hunting."

(a metal detecting handbook and field guide). I do not know if Rob

carrys it...

Both are Volume One. The first edition is comb bound and out of

print. The current edition is perfect bound. It is about 108 pages

with many photos in color. Quality paper. The design and artwork

was done by Jim Garlock.

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Hi Jim

I have had the first edition since 1995, it's a good read.

Now I'm on a mission to find the second edition.

BTW I was fortunate enough to meet Pieter in Quartzsite,

I believe it was in Jan of 1996, it was a pleasurable




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Jim. I first met Pieter at Quartzite in the late 1980s, then ran into him again 2 years ago. I was shocked! He didn't look like he had aged hardly at all. Goes to show what a clean outdoor lifestyle can do for a person.----Bob

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I was wondering what Heydelaar was up to these days. last I heard he was writing a new book. The last time we talked was also back in the 80's in Quartzite. He was doing a 6 month here and 6 in Australia hunting tour. We hit it off well, I had just got a new Gold Bug. He's a wealth of nugget hunting information. I was fairly new at the game back then. He gave me a lot of tips on the gold bug and nugget hunting.

Jim I was just reading your book Advanced Prospecting & Detecting For Hardrock Gold 2009 edition again. Great tips on prospecting in general, reading the geology, (looking for the source of those nuggets) and staying alive in the desert. A great read for sure.

I have to say Im sure reading books written by the pro's early on is what got my nugget hunting career successfully started, Thanks. :) AzNuggetBob

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I was wondering what Heydelaar was up to these days. last I heard he was writing a new book. The last time we talked was also back in the 80's in Quartzite. He was doing a 6 month here and 6 in Australia hunting tour. We hit it off well, I had just got a new Gold Bug. He's a wealth of nugget hunting information. I was fairly new at the game back then. He gave me a lot of tips on the gold bug and nugget hunting.

Jim I was just reading your book Advanced Prospecting & Detecting For Hardrock Gold 2009 edition again. Great tips on prospecting in general, reading the geology, (looking for the source of those nuggets) and staying alive in the desert. A great read for sure.

I have to say Im sure reading books written by the pro's early on is what got my nugget hunting career successfully started, Thanks. :) AzNuggetBob

I thought the best way to survive was to become one with the desert. I think that is what has happened to those guys in az. mts by now. They have become 1 with the desert.....

I'd rather have dessert become one with me....maybe a nice slice of cheese cake?

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:spank: Terry

I thought the best way to survive was to become one with the desert. I think that is what has happened to those guys in az. mts by now. They have become 1 with the desert.....

I'd rather have dessert become one with me....maybe a nice slice of cheese cake?

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Ebonbetta IF you ever become "one" with the fact there is a lot to be learned from the pro's you may do well and you wont have to become one with the desert. Good Luck, AzNuggetBob

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Howdy All... I write slow... two fingers and need to look at both

the Keyboasd and monitor... my ol dialup is slow ans sometimes dies...

Montana and AzNuggetBob... Pieter, Bob Soehner, and I go back to

about 1977-78. Pieter and I were involved in testing coils for Ron Mack.

Pieter original spiral bound book "Successful Nugget Hunting, VolumeI

has been recently updated and reprinted. Design and Artwork by Jim Garlock

who lives in Redlands CA. It is spiral bound with lotsa photos in color

It is said in the spiral bound edition that Pieter is currently working on

his next book, Volumn II ...

Pieter and Debra have a Quartzsite address, but likely elsewhere during the

hot summer...

JIm Garlock handles the <[email protected]>

PS: Montana and AZNuggetBob: I'm busy updating the January 2009 "ADVANCED."

It will be a complete reprint with larger text... I have two rough-edited copies to mail you.

Please sent me your current mailing address and I'll send you both a copy. <[email protected]>

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Jim I just got your new book ADVANCED Prospecting & Detecting For Hardrock Gold today. I have not had a chance to read it yet but Im excited, when I saw on the cover that you have added info on Meteorites, it got my attention. I started studying Meteorites some time back when I realized THEIR out there too. Myself and many other nugget hunters had been kicking them aside thinking they were just hot rocks. Meteorites are very valuable and those that dont know what to look for are throwing away $$$$ Its not a subject that comes up often enough on Gold nugget forums but all the pro hunters I know are always keeping up with the new varieties and were their being found. Btw I hear Pieter has also gotten bit by the meteorite bug and is also taking them very seriously.

Take care out there, AzNuggetBob

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Bob... :D Thank you for the good words. The book has been revised. I'm still making some changes and it will be known as the September 2010 revision. (Notice on p 22 I briefly mention my gandfather Joseph Vietti. He was also visiting his cousin in Congress.)

Pieter Heijdelaar has been a leading authority on meteories for about 30 years. Dating back to his days in Australia. He gave me one of his meteorite finds about 20 years ago.

Actually my interest in meteorites dates back to 1950 while studying geology at Mackay School of Mines. However, Pieter certainly whetted my interest in them.

About 10-12 years or so ago, Rob Allison, Reg Sniff and I were going to collaborate and write a book on meteroites. We even posted on the "Shooting Stars" forum which is now "gone." But we became involved with other interests such as Rob needing to spend all of his time in developing this forum...

Actually... it is my hope that Rob will carry this book

as I have 10 copies I can mail to him... Like my other books it is printed on a full color laser printer; small lots when the printer has some open time. Comb bound. Quality Paper. Over 40 charts, illustrations, and photos, both black and white and in color. About 135 total pages with 30 of them meteorites

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Jim Im still going through your new book and the reprint of the National mining district you sent. A lot of info to pour through here. On the gold side of your new book its loaded with detailed geology, a lot of new info in it. many new charts,tables and very detailed info much of it Ive never seen before and something I never get tired of

great color nugget photo's..(Gold porn) :)

Great photo's and detailed info on meteorites, were to look for them, what to look for. different types and classifications. tools to help find and identify Meteorites. Its loaded with great stuff. AzNuggetBob

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Everyone... Gosh I'm a Geological Engineer, Mackay 1954... ROTC Commission as a 2/lt. Also 120 Engineer Officers Basic Course Ft. Belvoir VA... Basic Training 1953 Camp Carson Colorado.... Active duty Ft. Leonard Wood. Reserve time from 1950 through 1962. All of this gave me a background in engineering

projects... especially soils and soil engineering... Then I took various advanced courses at UC Riverside and earned a Life Teachers credentual in

secondary education in 1974. I taught adult classes in various aspects of

geology and prospecting in Adult school from 1969--- 1990.

I also was involved in small mine consulting mosly from 1957 through 1982.

I have just revised "ADVANCED".... As soon as I get copies... hopefully

Monday I will send a small box to Rob... It is pegged to sell for $19.95

and it is printed on a full color laser printer...

It is to be known as the Revised September 2010 Edition...

NuggetAZBob... The latest will have a full color photo, weathered float

top and slabbed views showing electum found at National... Many areas through

out the cordillera carry gold as electum. The float at National registers

as "Foil" while using a VLF-type gold machine in the discrimination mode...

Uncle Ron... my e-mail is <[email protected]> I'm on dialup and a slow typist...

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Everyone... Gosh I'm a Geological Engineer, Mackay 1954... ROTC Commission as a 2/lt. Also 120 Engineer Officers Basic Course Ft. Belvoir VA... Basic Training 1953 Camp Carson Colorado.... Active duty Ft. Leonard Wood. Reserve time from 1950 through 1962. All of this gave me a background in engineering

projects... especially soils and soil engineering... Then I took various advanced courses at UC Riverside and earned a Life Teachers credentual in

secondary education in 1974. I taught adult classes in various aspects of

geology and prospecting in Adult school from 1969--- 1990.

I also was involved in small mine consulting mosly from 1957 through 1982.

I have just revised "ADVANCED".... As soon as I get copies... hopefully

Monday I will send a small box to Rob... It is pegged to sell for $19.95

and it is printed on a full color laser printer...

Dutch John...

I do have a few questions for you about the randsburg area.

Does anybody have some decent photos, of rand schist ?

I keep looking and am never sure of what I am looking for. There were a couple of other references on rocks in your books on rocks but I do not remember the names that I was trying to identify.. But will most likely have to wait till I get back to NY to look at re-read and then ask.

I get so confused when looking at all the rocks.... as stated in other posts I am in california but highly doubt I'm going to get to randsburg at all. Sigh.....My vacation that wasn't. Looks like my belief that Life on earth is about 99 bad days to 1 half decent day will as usual hold true.

I just do not see why people think life is sooo great..especially when seeing what else goes on in the world.

It is to be known as the Revised September 2010 Edition...

NuggetAZBob... The latest will have a full color photo, weathered float

top and slabbed views showing electum found at National... Many areas through

out the cordillera carry gold as electum. The float at National registers

as "Foil" while using a VLF-type gold machine in the discrimination mode...

Uncle Ron... my e-mail is <[email protected]> I'm on dialup and a slow typist...

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Howdy Ebbonbetta... When you were at Stringer the promenent county rock was the Rand Schist. It is "that platey looking rock." In some areas the schists carry

mica which "may give it a shiny sheen..." Reference p. 65. and 66. in "Three Hours."

I'm truly sorry that your vacation was not as you hoped;I know you were looking forward to spending time in the Randsburg area. Keep being positive... things will work out.

Dutch John

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Jim I'll start by saying Im not a lawyer but as I understand it, the laws differ from state to state on private land. Primarily the Meteorite belongs to the owner of the land, Fed, state or private. In the past I have only seen the feds go after the LARGE Meteorites. They dont seem to care about the week end prospector picking up meteorites. Hopefully that wont change soon? They are not included or protected under the mining laws! You cant file a mining claim and get rights to the meteorites you find on your claims unless the claims are patented. On private land I just make a deal with the land owner, (prior to any hunting) a percentage of what you find, pay him a fee to hunt, In writing is always a good idea if your hunting on a percentage deal or I just explain to the owner what your looking for. some dont care if you hunt just as long as you don't tear the place up, leave holes etc. I do this all the time hunting gold too. I have seen some Meteorite hunters try to protect their finds with the treasure hunting laws but have met mixed success from state to state. That's why many meteorite hunters are hunting private farm/ranch land. AzNuggetBob

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I had a wierd experience in a State Park with something whistling as it fell out of the sky and hit nearby. I couldn't find it in the waist high grass and the grass wasn't damaged, like being smashed, so I think it was small. Do meteorites whistle on the way down?

New Beeper

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I had a wierd experience in a State Park with something whistling as it fell out of the sky and hit nearby. I couldn't find it in the waist high grass and the grass wasn't damaged, like being smashed, so I think it was small. Do meteorites whistle on the way down?

New Beeper

New Beeper The only witnessed fall I ever had the chance to see of a meteorite of any size was in my back yard one night, some friends and I were sitting in my back yard about 2:00 am and the sky lit up like day time. we looked up to see a fireball coming in and we could hear and see it tumbleing. it didn't whistle it made more of a whooshing sound, whoosh,whoosh,whoosh. as it tumbled it brightened and then disappeared over a mountain. we looked for it the next few days, but never found it. even though they appear to land close they can actually land many miles away. I've heard other people describe it as a whistling sound? AzNuggetBob

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