Tell Me about Magazine Advertising?

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A lot of good info here. Magazine ad rates are based on subscription numbers. If you want to try out several, try out a small display ad 2 col x 1 inch that has a bold caption then the website URL or a great youtube video. The caption might be your latest find.If ML has some co-op money for advertising, that might make the difference. There can be a time lag between when you request the co-op and the money getting back as well A problem might be ML's definition of your territory. If I see your ad in ICMJ and call from NC is that a problem. Many magazines are folding or being taken over by bigger publishing company's

You have always struck me as a hands on,get it done , kinda guy. This is hard to do in an ad, but much easier with youtube videos. I enjoy the finds of others and the stories folks tell. If I had the resources and time, I would have already bought. so in short you are trying to prequalify your buyers and get them to talk to you. You can't get gold fever with out seeing the gold.


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In my experience, mag adverts aren't worth anything... definitely not the money we spent on them. We got more out of the write off.

The rule of thumb is to expect a 1-3% response on a print advertising intiative. So, if you figure the readership/distribution numbers, factored with the average looker to sale ratio for your company and the average ticket amount for those that do buy, you can figure out what you can spend in order to turn a profit on any advertisement.

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Nuggethunting, Your coustomers say that your service is top notch, use costomer testamonials ans a contact point to those who are willing to talk one on one to prespective costomers. I have made purchases from Arizona outback for accessories because of advertising in Prospecting magizines but when it comes to a new detector I will go with Gerrys Detecor sales because he is only 200 miles from where I live BUT mostly because of his exelent service ( even for a top end detector that I did not purchase from him ) and I would be willing to talk to anyone about it. Word of mouth is very good, expand on it.............Idaho Al PS Next time you are in a training video see if you can drop a line about you website.

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