Sunday's nuggets

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The Virgnia pollen cut our hunt short, oh how I suffer for three weeks each spring. I was lucky early and found four nuggets, one was folded twice a first for me. I don't suppose you western diggers have to tolerate sagegrass and tumbleweed pollen?

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I don't suppose you western diggers have to tolerate sagegrass and tumbleweed pollen?

Have you been to greaterville ? chest high grass and mad tumble weeds probably only 5% of the goldfield is detectable because of brush. Nothing bu chiggers and allergies, gets the worst during dessert monsoons. Great shootin glad to see your still finding them cant wait to see more :D

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That's some pretty gold, digger! :)

Allergies have been bothering me for months in Arizona.

Check out this link for Sonoita's weather (town closest to Greaterville) CLICK HERE

Then type in Phoenix or anywhere else- you'll see "Very High Pollen Level" AHCHOO!

Oh well, least we ain't ridin burros in triple digits! ;)

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