Ferrite Rings and Coil Cables

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Has anyone here tried wrapping extra coil wire through a large ferrite ring instead of winding it around the shaft, then securing the ring to the shaft so it doesn't move? The coil wires are shielded, so it THEORETICALLY shouldn't make a difference, but with sensitive electronics and precise timing, maybe some ground shield interference canceling would have interesting results. At the least, it might make a fun experiment. Or maybe try the two-piece snap-on ferrite cylinders.

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It might work but iirc it's purpose is more to reduce transmission of emi rather than receiving of... There are ferrite beads of various values that would fit the cable nicely. Mind you installing the wrong value could actually increase emi output...

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Dave Lester a ML dealer in Congress has had them in stock all year.

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Wow, a first hand account. Thanks, Flak. It's always interesting when I have an idea, and I don't actually have to experiment to check it: other people had the idea first and have already done the research. Like they say 'A day in the library can save you six months in the lab'. I suppose you replace 'in the library' with 'on the internet', these days.

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Flak. Put one on your headphone cable if you are using headphones. I've been told that they clean up any white noise that may be present. I've got some ferrite rings coming and will experiment with them.----Bob

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Can I put one on my speaker wire Bob???

I bought the 2 piece jobs from Dave L in congress..I think I gave one to Rob, I know I gave a couple to Chris } and his dad at bthe Decision Corner/ liars circle /cookoff /get together this year...chris and his dad were gonna check them out and see what they thought....

To be honest I haven't used a detector enough to know if they are helping me or not....but the 4000 is sure smooth up here in NV!

They were only 5 or 6 bucks so what the hey.....you know. Try em and if you don't like em use them for sinkers when you go surf fishing.

From up in the land of everything...northern NV...

Paul....or. I was a congressman

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Paul. You surely could put one on your speaker wire. I would fix it so it couldn't slip around, like maybe a few wraps of electrical tape to get the diameter close to the inside diameter of the ferrite ring. One advantage of the ferrite ring on your coil wire may be that it could lessen the EMI transmitted by your detector, thereby allowing 2 similar detectors to work closer together since that is supposed to be the main function of the gadgets.----Bob

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