Doc's new rods fit Sovereign GT'sand Eureka Golds

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Along with working on all of the SD/GP/GPX models the same rods are used on the Eureka Gold and the Sovereign GT's for $28 each including washers.


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That is good to know. I see one, or even two since my wife needs one for her x-Terra 705, in our near future. Thanks.

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Sorry Chris poor choice of words. But to be honest I have been complaining about the cost of just about everything.

I don't think the retail on those Minelab rods are actually $50. They used to be that high, but I think the price has come down. Perhaps the dealer has some in stock that he had paid the old price for.

It's not Minelab that is responsible for these prices, it's our poor American Dollar. 6 years ago the Australian dollar was worth .56 cents. NOW it is worth more than an American Dollar. It's worth a $1.08.

So shipping that used to cost me $560, now costs me $1080. That doesn't even address the cost of merchandise.

Take care!


To set the record straight, I wasn't complaining! I sincerely wanted to know what it was that made them worth $50. If they are not that much, then that is great, but that was the price quoted to me by the dealer I purchased the detectors from. Maybe it's just me but it almost seems like if you are not swinging a $6000 metal detector then you are considered somewhat of a second-class citizen.

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