Greaterville Fire Burn Map

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Ruby thought those who prospect Greaterville might like to see where all those new prospecting areas are that were opened up by the fire so she made a map for all of you


Ruby and I haven't been to Grearterville since the fire but all reports indicate that it mostly burnt off the grass cover.

Those of you who have prospected Greaterville know that this grass is a major pain in the uh... arm when detecting or drywashing. With the grass burned off a few more inches of depth can be had from any detector and the grass clumps have probably given up many a hidden nugget to the light of day.

Here is a small version. You can download a larger version at the link below:


Get the large version here.

(8.5 x 13 @ 300dpi 3.2 megabytes)

Now I'm not drawing any X's or giving GPS coordinates but this burned area has some very promising areas included.




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