Quadzimoto is coming along...

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Update on Quadzimoto....
Pretty much have it all torn down.
Brakes, suspension, and wiring are good.
Minor fix up stuff in those areas.Lube,new bolts....ect.
Will clean the gas tank out with acid. Its not too bad. Gotta find a cap for it.
Motor....going to put a fresh top end on it. IE: Punch it out .10 over, piston, rings...New valves and guides. Cam and rockers all mic'ed out good.
Found a broken spring in the lower end but all in all, no wear on the gears and the clutches are still well within limits. smile.gif No metal in the sump or oil.
The goober that had it before stripped the drain plug out...so I have to get that fixed. sad.gif Along with half the threads missing in the plug hole. Some people!!! Its called anti sieze.
Getting to the point of buying some parts and building up. smile.gif
I do have one mystery part that I cannot figure out were it goes.
Little piston with an o ring on it. It may not even be for this motor...donno.Cant fing it in the book anyway. It was in the pile of parts that I got.
Might have to go to a dealer and ask them...."whats this thing?"
Went out on Fri. and got a little picker and some fines...not much but it was fun.
Kind of toasty though.
Tom H.

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P.S. After looking at the pic...

Thats not an oil slick under it... I was watering the tree. :0


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Ho Tom

Mate thats lookin like a fine rig, is it goin to be used for jus gettin into the hard spots or are you

goin to drag a lge coil etc on the flats, if so i suggest a coiltek 40x20 ai drag coil for sure.

Funny you should name it the "quazimoto" bet its got a hump back and loves to swing on the bells

and dusty old bush tracks, mate are many blokes in USA using the quads for drag coils or mainly

for gettin into the badlands and beyond walkin distance because over here in WA we mainly use

em for dragging 40x20 coils on the salt lakes for gold,, while im on the subject do yous get

gold on the salt lakes like we do in WA ??

Pete in WA B)

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Ho Tom

Mate thats lookin like a fine rig, is it goin to be used for jus gettin into the hard spots or are you

goin to drag a lge coil etc on the flats, if so i suggest a coiltek 40x20 ai drag coil for sure.

Funny you should name it the "quazimoto" bet its got a hump back and loves to swing on the bells

and dusty old bush tracks, mate are many blokes in USA using the quads for drag coils or mainly

for gettin into the badlands and beyond walkin distance because over here in WA we mainly use

em for dragging 40x20 coils on the salt lakes for gold,, while im on the subject do yous get

gold on the salt lakes like we do in WA ??

Pete in WA B)

Hi Pete:

Yes, im just going to putts around with the detector and a cooler chest.

My racing days are over. :)

I dont know about the salt lakes.

We dont have any in Arizona.

It would be difficult to drag a coil in Arizona. Too many rocks, bushes and cactus.


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