x terra 705 overload on bedrock

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went out with my xterra 705 in area known for hard rock mines, high up in the mountains. lots of hot rocks but im starting to figure it out. detected a area of bedrock that looks like the gravels been washed away back in the day, theres 4 adits nearby also, was getting hot rock signals and then in a couple of spots my detecter went into overload, turned sensitivey down a little and still overload, i cleared away the little dirt over the bedrock and noting was there. only solid rock, no cracks or holes. i moved on not knowing what to do. after thinking about it I want to go back with a sledge and chisels, maybe theres and vein inside the rock not visisble? or could hot rocks have so much iron to cause a overload? still learning. in upper left corner of picture where bedrock is sticking out of the ground (just below trees) is where i was detecting.

any advice? over and out. Dean


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Had a simliar time once with my buddy's Erueka Gold. He was singing over a crack I found a nugget in where my 5000 was just get a little wobble in the thershold. We busted up the rock pretty good, took the dirt home and panned it down....NOTHING. Still get the signal with the EG and a 705 but only swinging the coil one way...right to left not coming back left to right? It seems to me the VLF machines seem to make noise over ground mineralization when swinging one way but not the other??? Any diffferance in your case?

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