hydraulic pit

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I went out to a pit a fellow md'er told me about and believe I found a small spot the monitor had missed. This ground is almost cement and it takes the punch bar to get anything out and loosened. The hole I dug is a bit over 3 ft. Bedrock is about 6 ft. to the left of the hole but I didn't hit the bedrock. The bedrock isn't smooth from the water it is angular and jagged. I used my 2200d and my gm4b and not a single blip from all the dirt and rocks moved and not a speck of color either. I do believe there is gold in this place. How deep the bedrock is, who knows. Possibly bedrock would be shallower up the wash? Any ideas? NVRADAR




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I went out to a pit a fellow md'er told me about and believe I found a small spot the monitor had missed. This ground is almost cement and it takes the punch bar to get anything out and loosened. The hole I dug is a bit over 3 ft. Bedrock is about 6 ft. to the left of the hole but I didn't hit the bedrock. The bedrock isn't smooth from the water it is angular and jagged. I used my 2200d and my gm4b and not a single blip from all the dirt and rocks moved and not a speck of color either. I do believe there is gold in this place. How deep the bedrock is, who knows. Possibly bedrock would be shallower up the wash? Any ideas? NVRADAR

Well, if it were me...and im not that great...

I would first detect the area. Then if I found something...dig.

I have heard that its good to try and find the area they set the sluice up in and work up and down from that area.

Tom H.

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