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I know its a bunch of junk but I just wanted to show that sometimes this is all you get. smile.gif

I did find a little gold.....see other post.

Guess the thing im most proud of is that little boot tack. It was 3 inches down.

Using the ML 5000 in fine gold, gain around 12...everything else to fit what works for me. Running a coilteck 14X9 mono. It will find small stuff. Just have to get it over the yellow small stuff! smile.gif


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I hate those boot tacks! funny how they sound just like a small nugget!!! I always curse them! I started keeping box nails, mainly because it makes me feel better tricking myself as to their value someday might be more than scwat! ha ha i must have 30lbs of them only keeping the straight ones!

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Guess the thing im most proud of is that little boot tack. It was 3 inches down.

So ya like boot tacks huh? You're more than welcome to come detecting with me and I'll show you where you can find millions of them. wink.gif

All kidding aside, it just blows me away of some of the stuff I've found, especially when I'm in areas that I would have thought for sure no other human would have dared to tread. What the hell did prospectors do back then?

Fred: Hey Ralph, since we're bored and are not finding any gold, how about we pull the tacks out of our boots and just toss them around.

Ralph: Screw that Fred, I think I'll just shoot every bullet I have into the ground and maybe we can scare the gold into surrendering to us.

Fred: That sounds great, how about I take the shoes off our mules and we play horseshoes... closest to the Prince Albert cans wins.

Ralph: Hey I got an even better idea, grab a couple frying pans and let's see how far we can throw them.

Fred: After we toss the frying pans, I got a handful of nails we can sprinkle around on the trail. Maybe the gold will be attracted to that.

Ralph: Ah hell, I'm getting hungry, let's eat a can of beans before we head back to camp. Now where'd those pans go?

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I hate those boot tacks! funny how they sound just like a small nugget!!! I always curse them! I started keeping box nails, mainly because it makes me feel better tricking myself as to their value someday might be more than scwat! ha ha i must have 30lbs of them only keeping the straight ones!

Speaking of false nuggets.....

Yesterday I found a small tailings pile and did some raking/detecting on it. Got a nice mellow hit.....dig, beeb, dig, beep....this is it... I know it....

Got it in the scoop....sift, beep sift beep.....oh...what a nice 22 bullet! ARG!


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I know what you mean, Tom. I swear they used to give out free .22 cals at birth. 8 out of every 10 shells I find is a stinking .22! I REALLY hate those guns now....and I own one.

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