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Can you all remember what you were doing 10 years ago on 9/11 ? I do, and I'll never forget the things that took place, the people that died in the attack on our great country, and the wars, that are still going on right now, and our troops that have and are serving and the ones that died, My son-in-law is on his way to Afganastan, the end of this month, he has already served a year in Iraq, GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS and never forget that date 9/11. Grubstake

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YEP... I just turned on the tube and Brian Gumble was anchoring and I was thinking what the hell has Hollywood done now.... until the second plane hit. I knew it was real. I watched some utube videos today of 9/11 and boy it's tough to watch. God bless your son-in-law and our military men and women. We are the GREATEST!! NVRADAR

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Yep grub i will. I never take for granted what others giving their all means for me in my own life. I have them to thank along with god for this great life i have. On that day, i hate calling it 9/11, dont know why, but I just got home from a trip all night up the feather river canyon on a train. I was greeted by my son at the door. He was up much earlier than normal. He was only 3 at the time and was trying to change the chanell to one of the cartoons. So i grabbed the clicker and was going through the chanells, and stopped on one to see the first tower burning. My kid said (wow dad big fire!) Then the second one hit and i thought oh shit. I will say the railroad is giving out info on being vigilant about watching the tracks for suspicious things and i just think how easy it would be to hit us once again. We are so spread out, and like the border... would take more than we are to protect it. Take care you guys.

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I worked for public service in NYC on 9/11/01. I heard the planes hit. Seen the smoke and impact from the crash. For two weeks I did not go home I was given a special pass as an authorized World trade Center Responder from our military. To my brother and sisters who perished that day to save others.


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