Gladiator Fire

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Hello All, I just returned to Idaho from a fire assignment in Arizona, The Gladiator Fire. My assigned duties included going up to Crown King every other day........There I was in Gold country with no detector, not even a gold pan and no time to prospect anyway...Do any of you prospect up that way and know any of the Crown King history..?? ANY AND ALL INFO is welcome...I am going to come back to this area this winter..I do wish those of you that live in Arizona NO MORE FIRES!

Idaho Al

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Hello Idaho Al,

I lived in Mesa, AZ and want to extend a invitation to you. Hopefully when you returned to AZ I will do my best to get you over some AZ gold. Myself and I am sure a lot of forum menbers and Arizonians are very grateful for your services. The Bradshaw Mtns are magnificant in beauty and gold, I hunt on club claims just off the roads from Bunblebee to Cleator, Mayers and Pine Flats, and the Senator Hwy. I want to say, Thank you, and may God bless you and your Brothers and Sisters firefighters. Give us a shout when you return.

More Au to you, Robert

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Hey Thanks guys, I am not a firefighter per sae, I work in Logistics. Thats part of the Incident Command System, What we do is supportg the Firefighters with what they need to do their job, be it tools, epuipment, everything that comes in to a fire comes by way of Logistic. Our main camp was at the Meyer High school and the the main Spike camps were Rulus and Crown King with a couple of smaller spikes. Last year I was On the Wallow Fire at Luna Lake just out of Alpine and my wife was on the Horseshoe 2 Fire. I got to see some awsome country. All I can say to Arizona is thanks for having me..............Idaho Al

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Hey, cp: Cleator is one of my favorite places. When we were in AZ (I'm from Wisconsin) a couple of years ago, we spent some time on a GPAA claim ... Turkey Creek, I believe ... and one of the gang found some color. But, Cleator --- wish I could have spent more time chatting with some of the old timers who were at the Bar. I'll bet they have a ton of information ....

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