BLM Issues Interim Final Rule Regarding Placer Claim Fees

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If someone has a lode claim, fees did not go up and you have nothing to worry about, but fees for placers claims just went up.

"Washington, D.C. – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has issued a rule that changes the way maintenance fees for placer mining claims are assessed. The rule implements the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2012 (the FY 2012 Act) which requires the BLM to collect maintenance fees for placer mining claims based on the total acreage contained in the claim, rather than by the claim.

Claimants will now pay the maintenance fee (currently $140) for every 20 acres or portion thereof, contained in the claim. For example, if a placer mining claim consists of 46 acres, the claimants will pay $420 for the maintenance fee – $140 for each 20-acre portion of the claim and another $140 for the remaining 6 acres. Under the old regulations, the maintenance fee would have been $140 for the entire 46 acres."...

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No fee change if you have 10 of fewer claims and you file the small miner's waiver and do your assessment work.

Thanks for that added info. I don't have any claims, as you can probably tell, just passing along the link.

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You can't waive the first years fee's for a new claim, which is part of their plan to price the common citizen out of claim ownership. Rarely will they let you claim using metes and bounds anymore and force you to adhere to the survey lines, which makes you need to claim more acreage and now they are penalizing you for that.

I mean seriously they call it a maintenance fee, but what is that fee buying us? All they do is collect your money and file the paperwork. They do nothing else but keep and update the records on your claim, where is the justification in these outrageous fees?

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You can still do a small miners waiver on 10 or less claims, so this doesnt affect the small miner. Only the big boys, the greedy, or the paper hustler.

So its a good thing im my opinion for the average prospector. Look for dropped claims soon, and swoop on in.

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Rarely will they let you claim using metes and bounds anymore and force you to adhere to the survey lines, which makes you need to claim more acreage and now they are penalizing you for that.

I've heard they are trying that in some areas if California. There is no requirement to adhere to the actual survey lines but there has been a requirement since 1872 to reference the survey in your location. As long as you don't try to make strip claims along miles of creek (unless it actually qualifies as a "gulch" placer) you only need to reference the survey quarter section(s) on the first page and map of your filing.

The only legal reasons the BLM can invalidate your claim location, without an opportunity to correct your filing, is for locating on land closed to mineral entry or not filing and paying your fees.

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You can still do a small miners waiver on 10 or less claims, so this doesnt affect the small miner. Only the big boys, the greedy, or the paper hustler.

So its a good thing im my opinion for the average prospector. Look for dropped claims soon, and swoop on in.

I think we will see many good areas open up to claiming this fall. The claims mongers are going to get broke real quick if they keep trying to paper stake 160 acre claims. I agree that will be a good thing.

Some clubs are going to be in real trouble too. Fewer and smaller claims will be the new norm. Hopefully quality instead of quantity will be their new goal.

We are going to be real busy this winter updating the FootPrints claim maps. If you have been looking for a claim worth working or are just looking for new ground open to prospecting this could be your "golden" year. :D

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