Attention Nevadans 2nd amendment... senate has passed SB 221

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Just passing this along, I hope it is ok to leave here, I did not see a section where it would fit better....

...for Nevadans..."Attention Nevadans... As you may be aware, the senate has passed SB 221, which is a massive infringement on our 2nd amendment rights - the right which protects all others. Now it goes to the Governor to sign, or veto. Governor Sandoval is seeking our will on this. He has set up a special hotline for this issue. All you have to do is call this number and push 2 to vote for a veto. It takes seconds to do. Please take a moment out of your day to protect your future. After voting, please pass this on to every Nevadan you know, and please tell them to act quickly. This issue may be decided today. The number is (775) 684-5670 Please call from each phone you have! Thank you for doing your duty as a free citizen".

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Update, from what I have been told, "A total of 35,000 calls were received.

28,000 callers voted against.

7,000 voted for.

I heard and saw Gov. Sandoval state, on local TV, that he would veto the bill. "

Glad he got the message loud and clear!
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