EPA Raids Chicken Creek Prospectors anyone heard from Steve Herschbach

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Hope Steve Herschbach was not part of this. I have not heard from him.

The incident that sparked the renewed interest and concern occurred in late August when a team of armed federal and state officials descended on the tiny Alaska gold mining town of Chicken, Alaska.

The Environmental Protection Agency, whose armed agents in full body armor participated, acknowledged taking part in the Alaska Environmental Crimes Task Force investigation, which it said was conducted to look for possible violations of the Clean Water Act.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/09/14/armed-epa-agents-in-alaska-shed-light-on-70-fed-agencies-with-armed-divisions/?intcmp=latestnews#ixzz2ezQ2ubv0

Steve has a claim on Chicken Creek and was supposed to be dredging up on the creek all summer long. I'm just wondering if he was one of the miners that got raided. What is this country coming to?


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Steve was dragged away by the EPA and held in a 10 x 10 cabin and interrogated for weeks with a light shining in his face and BeeGees music playing loudly 24 hours per day.......

They were going to waterboard him but figured the music was worse......

Actually, he is here in Reno, and Doc, Steve is now a Nevada resident. My wife and I are going to have dinner tonight with Steve and his wife.

We went out detecting last week and Steve got a nice specimen with at least a half ounce of gold in it. Check out a picture of it on the Minelab facebook page at:


You'll have to scrool down a little ways to get to the photo - look for the white quartz with gold..


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Gee whiz Chris,

OMG I KNEW when Steve finally drove his tent stakes down into Nevada, that would be beginning of the end of gold detecting in Nevada and here you say he is already turning on the gold vacuum with this first awesome gold specie.

I HOPE you didn't take him to any of the secret spots we swore would never share...

I'll bet he had the thing secreted in his pocket to make you feel bad. I understand the Idaho State police are already on the alert in case he shows up here with his boatload of gold finding equipment.

Don't share any of this with him over the dinner table. Mums the word.



...chuckle... ;)

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Not to worry Largo! That piece was from California. He wont be headed to northern Nevada to suck up all the gold between Lovelock and Winnemucca for about a week. So you better hurry back for one last hunt. Some of his other friends are showing him where to pick up the last gold in Northern Nevada, so its not my fault.

You should have seen that specimen when it came out of the ground. It was a real ugly duckling. A bit of a soak in Oxalic acid brightened it up an an amazing way. It is better in person than the picture shows because much of the gold is crystalline and sparkles in the sunshine.

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Hi Guys!

Just had a nice dinner with Chris and his wife here in Reno, my wife and daughter also attending.

Had a great summer in the Fortymile but missed the EPA raids. Made the move south, and Chris has been helping me get my bearings. Thanks Chris! Been raining in Alaska since I left and can't say I miss it.

Sure is nice prospecting down here. Weird going out without Ben's 100 and a headnet. That specimen was a pleasant surprise for sure. I am gone prospecting all this coming week but will catch up on posts here soon.

Be speaking at the GPAA September 23, 2013 from 6pm to 8pm – Spanish Springs Library in Sparks if anyone is in the area.

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Hi Steve,

Seems like it has been raining for 10 weeks now...

i forgot my DEET one day down on Palmer Creek..white sox had a

field day...man those things leave a mark!

as you can tell by The pictures, i had my net on....i needed a body net!

Hope to see you at The outing....seems like i an following you around! :-)


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