Stan's Patch Gives One More

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Yo, All ... I think only Billy and I know about this patch, at least by this name, but an a old, departed friend turned us on to it and it has produced some very nice nuggets, up to a half ounce for me and I'm not sure what for Billy ... Anyhow, I made a late run today to the LSD and hiked a couple ridges to get in ... Quite a bit of wire and rust bits but the ML4500 seems to ID them pretty well, even with a mono on ... (NF 14 Mono, original fibreglas) ... Low/High... My first not Low/High was this cool little half grammer ... It was down about 6" and made a nice mellow sound, unlike the trash I found before and after ... If it weren't for the fact that big deep nuggets make the Low/High sometimes, I'd quit digging those targets, but, as everyone says, if it beeps dig it and if you don't I guarantee you'll pass over some gold ... Anyhow, heres a couple pix ... I though I did a short video, but, as usual, operator error prevailed ... Fun day at the LSD! ... Cheers, Yer Unc in the Dubyah

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Dig em all Ron! I have had signals that were just tiny blips, rising tone. Swore they were shotgun pellets just under the dirt. But I have dug those tiny blips down to a foot and got nuggets up to 7 grams! The odd good bit can give a rising tone, though most give a dropping one. One bit, a 6g one, gave the blip and kept giving it till I had dug out around 6 inches or dirt and clay. It does not happen all the time, only very very occasionally but it happens. Weird though huh how some little bits can give a drop tone at times.

That's why I dig em all!

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Sometimes i get tired out there and (after digging 10 million pieces of trash)----

Sometimes i catch myself when i hear a ANOTHER low /high--- and i decide to skip it... ... i usually walk about 10 feet and turn around -----kicking myself the whole way back :spank: ......of course it IS USUALLY trash,... but i just tell myself,,if you are too tired to may as well go to the house.....(and I have done that)

I dont want to get in the habit of thinking it is ok just to look for the sweet sounding sitting ducks all the time------ i have been taught by some good detectorists that gold wont always sound sweet.....

SO WE DIG...DIG... DIG.....

Thats what i go out for,, to dig! ----Gold is just an unpleasant by product ....... :P

Happy Thanksgiving!

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LOLOL .... you are one of them i was referring to above!!! ------hahaha

Heck yeah, Good nug Ron

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