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Looking for some assistance regarding Tucson area. My niece lives there, her son is in grade school and the class is studying geology, prospecting/mining. My niece thought it would be fun to take him out and prospect/search for minerals.

Can anyone throw out any idea where she could take him for a day of it? Any idea would be appreciated.

Thanks - Frosty

Molon Labe!

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Hi Molon,

I would go to greaterville it's about 40 minutes from Tucson. If you go there check out Kentucky Camp, it;s a restored mining camp it's all fenced off but you can walk to it and check it out. I don't know if there is a caretaker there or not, if there is one I would ask if you can pan some dirt there. If you go during the weekend I would ask someone there if you can pan on their claim. I am pretty sure you will find someone there that would let you pan.

Contact the Desert Gold Diggers they have a outing once a month and they love guest's. They just had their monthly outing so the next one will be the 11th of January. I think.

Good luck

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Kentucky Camp is a great choice. They recently put the old monitor on display next to the assay building. There is a caretaker there now and will be all winter. They have vault toilets and a kitchen with a refrigerator available to the public. You can get out of the weather inside the main building.

They really don't like anyone digging inside the Kentucky Camp fenced area. You can pan just outside the fence. Just through the gate on the North for the Arizona Trail there is good gold. Panning there the kids will see gold. You can get water for panning at the water spigot next to the horse trough.

There are no claims nearby Kentucky Camp so you don't have to worry about digging the wrong spot. You might just end up with some future prospectors when the kids see real gold coming out of the ground!

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