A Breathtaking Specimen!

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I have handled a lot of natural gold through the years, but this has to be one of this finest high grade specimens to date!

It weighs 24.65 Grams, and was found with a metal detector in California.

Brilliant gold with lots of Large Octahedron crystals.

I can only imagine what the crystals might look like under the quartz.

Enjoy the eye-candy!

Best of luck on your next prospecting adventure...







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Hey Echidna. Yeah iv seen some amazing Aussie crystalline, especially from QLD up around Morinish, that stuff form there blows your mind. Though a friend of mine found a jaw dropper bit of 2 oz here in Vic a few years ago. But it seems to get found more often in the states than here.

That stuff of yours looks great too I might add. To find a patch of it, as it looks like you'v done there, is a special thing, well done.

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Gus that specimen has similar crystal characteristics to the big one recovered from the SS Central America wreck that sank in 1857.

The odds are that it was a nugget saved by a miner from his workings, as a souvenir of his sucess in the Motherload country.

Here is a pic that El Dorado took of the nugget.


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Those were my thoughts exactly! Steve (El Dorado) sent me that same photo about a month ago and I put it in the photo gallery page on my website.

I would put money that they came from the same gold district. Gold is funny that way, each area seems to produce its own unique characteristics.

Rick, don't quote me on this, but if I remember correctly Steve said it weighed somewhere around 10 or 12 ounces. It sold for a ridiculous amount of money.


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