A short trip...

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Hello all, just got back from a relaxing trip in the Mother Lode country. George and I invited a friend Chris to come with us to an old pit located high on a ridge above the American River. We met up with a few friends at the site and began to set up camp. An hour later and we were off and running. At the end of the afternoon a few of us met up to see was what was found. One fellow, Robert, had found two pieces. One piece was a bit below a gram while the other was a tad smaller. A friend, Wes, got a small earring piece right before time for him to head out. Chris had found three small crumbs and was ready for the next day to come. The rest of us had blanked. For me it was just one of those trips where I had more time laying against a boulder and watching the sky. It was relaxing.

The next morning there were just five of us.The temperature was in the high forties overnight so we did not have a freeze like I had expected. After eating we all headed out our own direction. I was still in the same frame of mind so I really did not detect much. It was a beautiful day in the high sixties to low seventies with a clear sky. I had just gotten up from another short snooze and Chris came running up the hill to show us the piece he had just found. It was a really neat piece about the size of a dime and covered with manganese oxide. After looking at it later with a loop you could see bubbles on the black. A bit later I ran into George and he had found a small earring piece. I was still chasing the skunk.

We all met up at camp later in the afternoon and decided to eat a bit and then go out again before calling it quits for the day. Chris and I went down to little stretch of flat bedrock and began hunting with our GB Pro's. In a few minutes Chris had another small one. I finally got lucky and broke the skunk with a whopping size piece that came in at four tenths of a grain. Oh well, that's the way it goes. Another friend Doug had found one decent piece that was about six or seven grains and a few smaller ones. All in all it was a great trip with friends and a bit of gold was found and I got quite a bit of rest...

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Nice finds. Glad you all were able to go out and find some gold.

That area does look cool and peaceful :)
Tom H.

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