Looking at Colorado Gold Camp Prospecting Club

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Want to find a member on here that can tell me what they think about it.

You have to be a member first to find out about their claims and location. I don't have trouble putting out the money but like to know more first.

Thanks ahead for any help you can give me.

Chuck Anders

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hey chuck, I am in Colorado springs and will be moving here for year or two due to work. if you find out anything about it please keep this going as id love to find some locations for my days off to nugget shoot or however their means of getting the yellow stuff is.


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Hi john

I've belong to Colorado Prospecting Club some years back and it cost 25.00 to 30.00 for membership. This other club CGC wants 125.00 for single but two people cost 130.00 per year. A friend wants to know more about the club before he puts his money out.

I'll let you know if I find out anything.

Chuck Anders

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hey chuck, I am in Colorado springs and will be moving here for year or two due to work. if you find out anything about it please keep this going as id love to find some locations for my days off to nugget shoot or however their means of getting the yellow stuff is.


I lived in Colorado Springs 14 years. Started out prospecting there. Do yourself a favor and pickup this book: Gold Panning and Placering in Colorado, It was my bible while I lived there.


Nugget shooting in Colorado is tough, the glacial periods grinded down most of the gold to fines. The majority of detectable gold is near or above tree line.

Access to many of the known nugget producing mountains are either blocked by patented claims or landlocked by private property and requires a half day hike over the mountain to get at.

I went all over, Cripple Creek, Fairplay, Leadville, Taylor Park, Cottonwood Pass, Salida and even found gold in Franktown just north of the springs right off Highway 83.

By far my favorite Colorado prospecting spot was around Breckenridge, I did pretty good creek sluicing there. Lots of open ground and roads for access. I would nugget shoot the hillsides of Georgia Gulch and Humbug hill if I were to go back. Only downside is the two hour drive from the springs. :(

Don't bother with the BLM public prospecting spots like Cache Creek, tons of people and a few think they own the land. Guns have been pulled on people that come to close to other prospectors. I went up to the Lost Canyon placer poking around above Cache Creek and ran into the claim owner at the time. He granted me access to hunt his claim after the four feet of snow melted and that was in June!! Many quarter ounce nugs have been recovered up there.

Good luck!


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Hi Shay

Thanks for all the info you gave me on Colorado. I've been going there off and on for a number of years. I had one guy that had a claim above tree line that I could work at one time but he has it up for sale now. He's stop anyone on his claim unless you want to buy and at 3/4 mil. I'm out.Ha

Thanks again

Chuck anders

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Your welcome Chuck

What part of CO will you be in?

Seriously get that book i mentioned it is awesome. Lots of great info relative to just CO.

The Colorado Springs public library in downtown has LOTS of old CO mining info and old maps in the old archived hall. I found many maps with the old gulch names that do not appear on modern maps and also old mining claim filings. It is crazy how many claims were around Breckenridge in the late 1800's.You can't check anything out but they will let you make xerox copys.

Those patented claims up there go for some crazy numbers when up for sale. Not sure if it's worth it because the season is only a few months above treeline there.


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Well at this time I just don't know if I'm going to be in Colorado are not. I've been looking at Wyoming ,Idaho and I'd really like to go back to Alaska. I've found good gold in Wyoming but you got to know someone to get in the place I'm talking about.

I look at cost to get where I want to go and what is the possibility of finding gold there. Oh I've made a lot of trips that didn't pay for it's self. When I was big into coin hunting I must say I done better at that. Gold fever is a bad thing to catch.

Chuck Anders

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  • 3 weeks later...

im in Colorado Springs now. i relocated here for awhile. i met a guy from my hometown, he dredges and went out today. says he gets about 4-5 grams per trip in fines. using a 3 in with old header box. 4 in is maximum. well, i got into nugget shooting cause ca banned dredging. i like dredging as well. so maybe ill get into some of that as well. but ill be sure to get a heat exchanger lol. still see snow all over them hills all the way down to the bottom. anyways, im gonna order that book. also gonna check out all the mining museums they have here. saw a old fella and his wife coin shooting the park accross from the business im setting up downtown co springs. but think its time to get me another gpx 5000 from rob. i got into that salt water fishing and went nuts, bought 4 boats in three yrs lol. well i had three locations to move to and set up some businesses. my company pays me to build and cover all expenses. idaho,salt lake utah or Colorado Springs. i chose based on best market and gold prospecting lol. so it looks like a 4 in keen tripple sluice with a heater and a new 5000 is in order lol. so rob if your reading this i hope you remember me, i bought a few detectors from ya and wouldnt buy anywhere else. you definately do give the best deals and bundles by far. so ill be contacting u in a week or two. i dont mind hicking. i hike 4-5 miles when i bow hunt so its just adventure for me. lol

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Well my friend and myself has talk it over so Colorado is out. Right now We are looking at hitting Arizona just as soon you can't cook a egg on bare ground. We'll sign up again with Weaver Mining and I can spend my day nugget hunting. Looking at weather yearly it looks if I got there late Sept. are first of Oct. may not be too hot.

If anyone wants to chime in please do.

Chuck Anders

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