Need some geological advice

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Here's a couple sections I'm really interested in prospecting. Just wondering what all the dots signify? There's nothing on the map legend. According to the writing on the map, it says what I'm assuming is "abundant hematite staining argillic alteration"? Anybody here know if that means it would be a good potential to hit on some gold, or maybe even some crystals?


Here's what it looks like from the air… any opinions?


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Does it have any history of gold found in the area?

Land Surfaces

  • Faint brown dots on a topographic map show the location of dunes, sand or mud. Unevenly spaced brown dots of varying hues show moraines (rocks and sand deposited by a glacier) or gravelly areas. An intricate land formation with irregular features (a lava bed, for example) may be shown with a grayish-brown box or series of short, wavy brown lines. Short, thick brown lines designate a tailings pond (debris from mill or factory waste).

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In general, dots on geologic maps indicate some type of hydrothermal alteration. In this case argillic alteration and associated iron staining, most likely from weathering of some type of sulfide mineral. Could be gold bearing if sytem was carrying Au. Could also be Cu or other type of mineralization. Need sample assays to be sure if system is gold bearing. Is it located in a known gold bearing region ? Large porph. copper deposit ?Looks like alteration is associated with the set of NW trending faults. I also think the symbols of lines with hash marks,indicate quartz veins. Good Luck !

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In general, dots on geologic maps indicate some type of hydrothermal alteration. In this case argillic alteration and associated iron staining, most likely from weathering of some type of sulfide mineral. Could be gold bearing if sytem was carrying Au. Could also be Cu or other type of mineralization. Need sample assays to be sure if system is gold bearing. Is it located in a known gold bearing region ? Large porph. copper deposit ?Looks like alteration is associated with the set of NW trending faults. I also think the symbols of lines with hash marks,indicate quartz veins. Good Luck !

Caprock… me thinks you're on to something. According to my geology reference the dots indicate either a zone of high level mineralization, or low level mineralization depending on the spread of the dots. Now when I cross reference the argillic component as noted by the geologist remarks, I presume given the area and the history, there is a good possibility of some sort of ore or crystal bearing material. The area is a known gold producer along with many other minerals and is at the tail end of a pegmatite string which trends NW all the way up to Nevada.

"Advanced argillic alteration occurs under lower pH and higher temperature conditions. Kaolinite and dickite occur at lower temperatures whereas pyrophyllite and andalusite occur under high temperature conditions (T > 300°C). Quartz deposition is common. Alunite, topaz, zunyite, tourmaline, enargite and tennantite may also occur. Greisen alteration is similar."

The symbols with the hash marks as referenced from the map legend of the area, and from the geology reference says they are dikes with "undifferentiated feldspar rich latite intrusions -- Narrow, porphyritic, fine-grained latite intrusions."

My problem is getting access to the area to prospect and verify what I see on the maps and on google earth. I tried a couple weeks ago on my Rokon and got stuck going up one of the steep hills. It was just way to loose and rocky. I have been in the area on my dirt bike before, but I was going down hill. There's another way to get in to the area, so I'll give that a try once the weather cools.

Here's a higher resolution photo and map of the area I really want to prospect/detect first… let me know what you think. :unsure:



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Hello AZBlackbird,

Normally, the "T" represents Tertiary age mineralization, which is very typical of gold/silver areas in Arizona. The thicker lines with lines with balls off of them are faults. What I can see is there are a lot of contact zones and faults along with the various alteration zones. Good place to swing a metal detector.

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Normally, the "T" represents Tertiary age mineralization, which is very typical of gold/silver areas in Arizona. The thicker lines with lines with balls off of them are faults. What I can see is there are a lot of contact zones and faults along with the various alteration zones. Good place to swing a metal detector.

That's exactly what I'm thinking… do you know how to ride a Rokon? :o

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