Nevada Claims Stats

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Nevada is called the mining State for a reason. :D

There are 194,932 active mining claims in Nevada as of November 2, 2014.

182,827 are Lode claims (93.7% %).
8,655 are placer claims. (4.4 %)
3,428 of them are Millsite claims (1.7 %).
22 of them are Tunnel site claims (0.2 %).

53,160 Nevada lode claims are more than 20 years old (29 % of lode claims)
1,990 Nevada placer claims are more than 20 years old (23 % of placer claims)

291 Nevada claims are more than 100 years old - 13 of those are Placer claims.
The oldest active lode claim in Nevada is 134 years old - Overland 1875.
The oldest active placer claim in Nevada is 104 years old - Cabin 1910.

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nice work barry

and leigh,

i have been scratching around with the NV mas and trying to relearn all the symbols and how to navigate----

i found my clim right off and our new club problem---


Can placer claims be filed over load and worked as such??---(and i know anything can be claimed at BLM--just want to know if it would be considered a valid claim)

i know Hycroft had no problem filing over all the placer claims..... but at least they let us detect on the lode claims...

Prickly Paul

i sure wished you were here so i could get you to do all my research work for me and just hand e the GPS WPs and tell me to get lost>!!!! hahahaa

Where did you say you two were again??? in Hollywood,,, or somewhere with the Clampets big swimming pool is what i remember....

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nice work barry

and leigh,

i have been scratching around with the NV mas and trying to relearn all the symbols and how to navigate----

i found my clim right off and our new club problem---


Can placer claims be filed over load and worked as such??---(and i know anything can be claimed at BLM--just want to know if it would be considered a valid claim)

i know Hycroft had no problem filing over all the placer claims..... but at least they let us detect on the lode claims...

Prickly Paul

i sure wished you were here so i could get you to do all my research work for me and just hand e the GPS WPs and tell me to get lost>!!!! hahahaa

Where did you say you two were again??? in Hollywood,,, or somewhere with the Clampets big swimming pool is what i remember....

Hey Paul,

Are you a full time employee now - Nevada resident and all that stuff? It's hard to imagine the Prickly legend settling down.

There is no legal way to make a valid placer claim over an existing valid lode claim - none. You are right that the BLM will take your money and paperwork for whatever your mind can conceive but fees and paperwork don't make a valid claim.

There are two circumstances where a lode can be made over a placer but neither of those include an uninvited prospector overclaiming an existing placer claim. Both placer and lode claims have the exclusive right to ALL the valuable minerals found within their bounds. That doesn't leave any legal wiggle room for later locators to have any valid right to any minerals no matter what fees they paid the BLM.

We miss having you stop by with GPS needs Paul. I often wonder what the fate of your wonderful prospecting trailer was? If you are in the area stop by and I'll play with your GPS while Ruby arm wrestles you for nuggets. :lol:

If West Wittmann is Hollywood to the more prickley prospectors then yep - we are living the good life with the Clampetts. The cement pond is usually full of goats and Elly May ran off with one of those folks from Congress. Ruby has a pool boy named Raul that looks suspiciously like Jethro.

With the hot goat girl Elly gone and Ruby distracted by the pool boy I'm left alone with Granny. She smells funny.

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