SDC Control Box Covers & Headphone Adapters

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  • Admin

Hello All,

Just a FYI, I have removed the SDC (Gray and Camo) Control Box Covers and the Headphone Adapters from Ebay and the Online Store. We got hit hard over Christmas for these items, so we are several weeks out on both products. Please email or call me if you want one, as there the manufactures of both of these products are struggling to get them out. I will have another 10-15 of each product in several weeks, so get your name on my backorder list if you need one anytime soon.

Thanks! - email

623.362.1459 office line

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Right, Mr. I'm a!

I am happy I got mine before Santa Claus cleaned Rob out.

I really think the SDC 2300 control box cover is a great choice. If you had someone make you one, I would bet that it would cost just as much as what Rob charges, maybe more...

I'm going to lay low for a while now that I have Doc & Rob all steamed about my posts... :(


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