More Alaska Nugget Detecting

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I have a big thread going with a bunch of hi-resolution photos of my couple months of nugget detecting in Alaska a couple summers ago. Tomorrow I will be posting the grand finale of the adventure so thought I would send you all over for a look. Rob had a shot at a visit here last summer but unfortunately he has his hands way too full for that these days. Just as well as this summer was a tougher go by far than 2013. Check it out at

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Howdy Steve,,, Your article Return to Chicken, Alaska in the January ICMJ great...

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Steve... over the many years you have always been in the forefront of small arsenal prospecting methods.

You also think out of the box and have pushed on and have successfully accomplished your goals where

many lesser persons would have failed. Now what are your 2015 plans?..... jim

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Hi Jim,

My partners and I still have 5760 acres of mining claims in the Moore Creek area under lease for lode exploration but unfortunately a lack of money in the exploration world has that in a holding pattern. I have no plans to go prospecting in Alaska myself this summer for the first time since I started prospecting. Instead I will concentrate on areas in Nevada and California.

My main goal is to try and set a personal record for hours spent metal detecting for gold in a given year. I want to maximize the number of hours spent on the ground with the new Minelab GPZ 7000 in particular. I believe there is a window of opportunity to take advantage of the new technology before it comes into more widespread use. I also plan to carry a good discriminating VLF (probably the Makro Gold Racer once available) as a sort of electronic "dynamic duo". The GPZ will do main duty, with the VLF reserved for extremely trashy locations or for when I am tired and want to use something lightweight.

I do hope you are well Jim. Take care and best wishes!

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