June 4, 2015 6 nuggets found VIDEO

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I combined the 6 nuggets I found on June 4, 2015 into one video. Cut out a lot of the superfluous stuff and just tried to make it fast to watch. Thanks! -Doc

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Hey Doc , nice vid. I like the way you hunt/swing (Very low)but I have say based on the wind in your vid I dont think you were having a problem with noseeums. ;) tell ya the truth I love a nice wind as far as the noseeums but thats where headphones are necessary too. looks like that area has been drywashed? based on the classified piles next to where your hunting. also where did you get that pick, looks like a killer pick. Im going to rebuild mine with a wider head like that too.hey great tips on tuning too. AzNuggetBob

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We don't have no-see-ums up in northern Arizona. Very few bugs at all. Too hot.

That area had been dry washed to hell and back. A guy had it claimed up for a year and he just worked the begeebers out of it. Prior to there being a claim there I had worked that gully and got gold out of it, but then it got claimed up so I had to stay clear. Apparently he didn't renew the claim because the claim markers are gone and he has removed all of his equipment.

The pick I am using is the pick I designed for WALCO called the WOMBAT. It's a Serial Killer pick, but I had them build it with a big flanged head, with bent in edges. That was right before WALCO decided that they could not fill my order for 500 picks. They literally could not handle the volume I was giving them.

So I have about 10 -12 of those picks left at $100 each plus shipping. Every time someone comes into the shop and sees one they walk out with it, because there is nothing made like it here in the U.S.

Thank you for the kind comments.


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