Coiltek mono Elite 18" and 14"

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I had a chance to get out to a patch that I have already gridded with the vlf detectors to clear out the deep gold with the gpx 5000 and the Coiltek mono elites. I first ran the 18" thru and found several deep targets including 3 gold pieces. the smallest was .3 grams. the 18" ran very well and is amazingly deep. Next I went back thru with the 14" to clear out any smaller gold. the 14" is very good at getting tiny gold. I found several tiny birdshot and 3 more pieces of gold. the smallest was .1 gram. after some earlier emi was gone, I could easily run either coil in sensitive extra timing. both coils are amazing on how deep they find gold. the 18" is only 10 grams heavier then the 14" and never seemed to be a problem with weight. The 18" is definitely going to be a great coil for deeper pieces of gold over .3 grams. I tried to load some pictures on here, but I couldn't get it to load. I finished the day with 1.5 dwt with both coils. good luck. here is a couple videos









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  • Admin

Hey Californiagold,

   Excellent videos of the new Coiltek Elite Searchcoil.  Congrats on your success with them!!  Keep us updated on new finds with the new coils.  Some great reports from others outside the forum world also on these new coils.  

I now have them all in stock, including the new 18-inch Round.  

Keep up the good success.

Rob Allison

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