So who won the pick and who won the nugget pouch

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Whoever was closest before the end of the contest wins the pick, and whoever had the balls to keep guessing after the contest ended and get closest wins the Kangaroo Scrotum, you guys figure out who it was.



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Hey Wolverine If you check I think I was the winner in that your guess came in after Rob's weight was announced. I had a guess after the contest by Doc's guess. Check it out. Jerry ????

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Hey Pondmn

Did you guess 133 grams?

Rob found 48 grams didn't he?

There are so many topics on how much Rob will find and found and about the trip, I am confused! :blink:

Who won the Scrotum sack?

I want the Sack to drive my wife nuts, like put it on her mouth while she's sleeping! :blink::lol:

Someone let me know please!

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Wolverine I did guess 133 grams but it was before the amount Rob got was announced by Reno Chris in the "contest is over" post as Rob having approx 1.5 oz. This was 6/14 at 6:46am. Your guess came in after on 6/14 at 11:58am. Even though I was over it was the closest guess prior to the announcement of Rob's weight. ???? Jerry

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Oh..ok I think I understand now... Pondmn won the Scrotum Sac?

Your right, I was after Reno Chris mentioned what the ammount was.

It's not all about winning, but having fun guessing and seeing what the final outcome is.

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OK, I still don't know what the hell I am sending to who? Whoever won the detector also won the pick.

Now as for you guys wanting to put scrotums in sleeping people's mouths, you only win if you take pictures! :o We especially want pictures of when your wife is kicking the crap out of you!

Just email the addresses so I know who I am sending what to.

[email protected]


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