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Hi Guys,

I've been a rock hound all my life and figure it's time to go for the GOLD. I want a detector real bad but can't make up my mind on what's right for me. Been leaning toward the Whites MXT or DFX. I want to find gold but I do like ghost towns and old mine sites.

I hear alot about the Minelab good and bad, but they look heavy and have read and heard they can drive you crazy in a heavy trash or mineralized area.

I'm after the gold, but old coins would be alright too.

Even by doing my home work, I'm overwhelmed by all the different types of makes and models.

I live in the Reno,NV.area(Cold Spings) I see there is a few local people in this forum and hope to hear from you. I love the desert and am out there as much as possable. I have alot of places I want to try out,but the question is, what detector should I get. Tired of flakes and want NUGGETS!!

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The MXT is a fine all round machine with a wide selection of coils available for it. Another fine all round detector is the Lobo Supertraq. Both these machines will find the sub-grain gold and have great discriminators on them for coin and relic hunting if that is a concern. The MXT has a nice LCD readout to help in deciding whether or not a target is worth digging. The Lobo is audio only. It all depends what you're used to and like. Regards, RD

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I'll just add to what RD said that the DFX is not really a machine thats very good for gold. Fine for relics, parks and schools, but not too good for nuggets.

If you've been told that the minelab PIs have problems with heavy soil mineralization, just the opposite is true, thats where they perform the best over other detectors.

I own both an MXT and a minelab PI.


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Hello Geno,

Thanks for joining the forums. There has been several posts in the last week or so about "What detector is best for me." It's all about preference, type of gold you're searching for, ground conditions (mineralization) and ultimately your budget.

If your price range is under $1,000 you will have to stick with the VLF Technology detectors. Great on small gold, fair depth, but tough to work in mineralized ground conditions. You will experience a lot more frusterations, false signals, hot rocks and such with a VLF detector.

If you're price range is between $1,200 - $3,500 you can get into a used or new Pulse Induction detector (PI). This range would go from the Garrett Infinium, GoldScan, used SD's, new SD's, used GP's and then up to the new GP3500. Pulse Induction detectors are practically immune to some of the worst mineralization and get up to 2-3 times the depth of a conventional VLF detector.

If your budget allows you a PI, I would strongly consider one. If you would like to email me - or call feel free.

Hope this helps a bit,

Rob Allison

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Thanks guys,

I am glad I found this forum. Sure is alot of knowlege here. Thanks Rob for explaining the IP vs. the VLF. I'd like the Minelab but the cost is out of reach.

Reno Chris, How do you like the MXT? That was my first choice, but was told the DFX was the one if you want Gold and was looking to get one of those. BUT, my buddy just got the MXT and the dealer told him that it was better then the DFX for Gold. So with that I may just go ahead and get the MXT. How do you like the MXT Chris?

I'm only looking to spend 1000 bucks, so the minelab is out for now. Thanks for the info and I have lots more questions for you OLD TIMERS but will ask them under different topics.

musstag, I'll follow your lead and read what was told you about Detectors. Thanks

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  • Admin

Hello Geno,

The White's MXT is more for gold nuggets than the DFX. The White's MXT has a "Gold Prospecting" mode stickly for electronic prospecting. I used the White's MXT in Arizona and Ganes Creek, Alaska. I found some small gold with the unit, and some mid-sized nuggets at depth. However, it struggled in highly mineralized ground conditions.

If you're stickly going to stick with the White's line, you might consider the White's GMT, which is designed strickly for gold nugget hunting.

Hope this helps a bit,

Rob Allison

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Hi Rob,

Thanks for that info. and no I'm not sold on Whites entirely. Just like the screen features. Looks real cool. I've just heard about Whites all my life and my boss just got the DFX and my buddy just got the MXT.

Due to this overwhelming info in your forum, Im back to 0 again. LOL

I've just got to make up my mind if I just want a gold detector or a multi purpose machine. When I buy, I just want to do it right, but don't want to spend over a grand.

I live real close to some old copper diggings and I have found fine gold here. The ground is highly mineralize. I just know there is gold around here because of all the old mines here. I just got to find the LODE. LOL

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geno: WE ARE all tired of Flakes, and ALL OF US want nuggets, but the fact is, that is where the challenge falls to the miner or metal detectorist.

Rather than get into a lengthy discussion, what you want is a dual purpose detector.

I'd have to say the MXT would be your ticket, because:

It tells you what your target is;

It's programmable;

It works for gold, coins, jewelry, and relics;

it has a lot of accessories to go with your main target;

the MXT will indicate relative depth;

The MXT has trash filters.

once you gain experience from using your detector to locate targets, then you will be in a very good position to determine what you want in the next detector.

If you branch off into solely natural gold, then by all means get a nuggetshooter, preferably a high end rig.

Sure, any gun can shoot a bullet, but there are different calibers for different needs and targets. Metal detectors aren't any different. Most of us have 2 or 3, some more than that. not any one detector is good for working specific soils or sites. It takes more than one, and Rob could get you just about anything you want.

The MXT is high technology, and of variable use- justifying its cost.

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Welcome aboard. You stated that your budget is 1000.00 max. That pretty much leaves you with 2 choices.

1. Whites MXT

2. Minelab X-Terra 70

My partner has a Whites MXT and justs loves it. He likes to hunt gold, coins and relics. Myself on the other hand nugget hunt and I use a Gold Bug 2. I will upgrade to a PI unit when my budget allows.

Now I know Rob kept it low key, but you should talk with him about the X-Terra 70, he has a good sale going on right now, and try to hook up with Reno Chris if you can and have him go into detail about MXT.

I hope this helps narrow things down for you.


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OK, it seems that pretty nearly everone has inserted their .02 cents, so it's time for me to toss my pennies into the discussion. FIrst, budgeting yourself to $1000.00 may need to be revised a bit. The reason why you might need to spend more is because from what I've been reading, the gold bearing zones in the USA have been hammered pretty hard and finding gold with a PI detector is becoming the norm, which says that finding gold with a VLF machine is going to be VERY difficult indeed! Maybe if you lived in a country like Bolivia, where looking for gold with a metal detector is unheard of, then you may have much better results, but IMVHO in order to stand a GOOD chance at finding those nice keeper nuggets, then a PI is virtually your only option. Another reason why you might seriously consider a PI detector is because of resale value. You may have a difficult time selling a VLF detector but selling a Minelab PI detector is very easy and they retain close to their original market value. Also, if you plan on detecting in an area where there has been PI detector activity before, you probably won't find very muh gold, if any at all. Those PIs don't leave very much gold behind, my friend!

Your friend;


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Thank you everyone,

Since joining the forum I have been reading alot and have made a decision. Due to the area I live in, the budget I have,and the research I've done, I must say the MXT is for me. But will look at the Xterra 70 a little more before the decision is made.

I just like the looks of the screen the MXT has and the versatilaty, but looks don't find Gold! If someone could give me some feedback on the Xterra 70 I would appreciate it.

I'd love to get with Reno Chris and talk about a few things. I met a guy on the Peppermill job named Chris that lives and has a claim in Lovelock. He showed me some nice nuggets he found and that made me decide to get a detector. GPAA also has a claim out there and thought I'd give it a try. What's nice about it is,I can prospect during the day and get some fishing in at night. Win Win for me.

Now don't go stampeeding out there before I get my detector guys.

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